Home Movies (1943)

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ADVISORY EDITORS DR. A. K. BAUMCARDNER Peoria Cinama CI t* PETER BEZEK Chicago Cinama C . S. I AMES BIALSON Amateur Motion Picture Club of St. .-. E. MOSS BROWN Dallas Cinama Clu < WALTER BRACKEN Tha 8-14 Movie Club, Philadelphia, h\ W. EMERSON CLYMA Detroit Society of Cinematograph! RUSSELL A. DIXON Pittsburgh Amateur Cinema C CYRIL DVORAK Suburban Amateur Movie Out ARTHUR E. GIBBS Portland Cine Clul RAY A. HOOK Seattle 8mm. Out ALFRED F. KAUFMAN Indianapolis Amateur Movie Clufc J. E. NESTELL Cine men Club NARCISSE A. PELLETIER Toronto Amateur Movie Club CILBERT B. PETERSON Metropolitan Cine Club A. THEO. ROTH Sherman Clay Movie Club C. O. ROUNTREE Bay Empire 8mm. Movie Club J. PAUL SNYDER Norfolk Amateur Movie Club REED E. SNYDER Des Moines Y.M.C.A. Movie Club M. F. SISSEL Austin Movie Club CURTIS O. TALBOT Metro Movie Club of Chicago | Entered as Second-Class Matter, May 6, 1*38, a" the Postoffiee at Los Angeles. Calif., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Subscription rates: U. S. $2.50 per year. Single copies 25c. Advertising rates on applicatior . home MOVIES Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. AUGUST NUMBER 8 VOLUME X REEL FELLOWS A friendly fraternity of movie amateurs sponsored by Home Movies magazine. Your membership is invited. ARTHUR E. CAVIN EDITOR Copyrighted 1943 and published monthly by Ver Halen Publications, publishers of Home Movies, National Photographic Dealer, and Hollywood Motion Picture Review. No part of contents may be reprinted without specific permission. CONTENTS FOR AUGUST, 1943 INFORMATION PLEASE 238 REVIEWS OF AMATEUR FILMS By }. H. Schoen 24O re-discovering black-and-white film — By Alexander Holt 243 MOVIES IN COLOR FROM BLACK-AND-WHITE FILM.' — By Frederic Foster 244 make your titles easy to read — By George W . Cushmati 246 GEAR YOUR MOVIE CLUB TO WAR CONDITIONS — By George Loehrsen 247 rent films by mail — By Larry Sherman 248 how to conduct a club movie contest — By W. G. Carleton ... 249 ultra-closeups without supplemental lenses — By George A. Smith 250 let's analyze our lighting mistakes — By Herbert Mitchell 251 THE EXPERIMENTAL CINE WORKSHOP 2J2 IF YOU WANT A FILM TO SHOW 254 title troubles — By George W. Cushman 261 home movie titles — By Fdmtttid Turner 265 PHOTO CREDITS: Pg. 243. t.-PKO, c.-Ohio State Univ., b.-Monkmeyer, ^nd Harry Menlcin; 245, Joseph Costa; 247, t-Chicago Cinema Club, b-r. Hubert McClain. b-l, L. C. AnHerson: 248. t-Chas. W. Herbert. c-Hal Roach Studios b-Hoilywood Film Ent.; 249, Lloyd G. Miller; 250, Curtis Randall; 252, General Electric Co. GEORGE W. CUSHMAN J. H. SCHOEN Associate Editors CHAS. J. Ver HALEN PUBLISHER C. J. Ver HALEN, JR. ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER C. E. BELL Photographic Editor L. C. BUSCHER Art Director OFFICE OF PUBLICATION 6060 Sunset Boulevard. Hollywood 28, Calif. Phone GRanite 51 49 NEW YORK OFFICE Everett Gellert 62 W. 45th Street Vanderbilt 6-5254 CHICAGO OFFICE Henry R. Hazard 209 So. State St. Harrison 2063 HOLLYWOOD'S MAGAZINE FOR THE MOVIE AMATEUR