Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES FOR AUCUST PACE 253 till WORKSHOP gaJgeli> trUki & to the camera base about % of an inch. Detach camera and fit a i 1 6 inch pin into hole drilled in titler. Solder it in place from underside of titler, making sure it is absolutely perpendicular. After solder has cooled, trim pin to l/$ inch in length. It should fit hole in camera base snugly but should not bind. — Jerome Abel, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fifty FOOT REEL fifty foot reel with on£ side remove* CARDBOARD DISCS \ . Projection Reels With metal reels growing scarcer, here's a method by which 200 foot 8mm. proection reels can be made from 50 ft. laboratory spools. First step is to remove the core from the 50 foot spool. Pry up the three metal ears on one side, then lift off the side disc. From heavy celluloid or cardboard cut two discs 5 inches in diameter. Place one of the discs over core, making sure it is accurately centered, and press down lightly to impress points of upturned ears into disc. Pierce discs to receive the ears, then slip disc over the hub with the upturned ears protruding. Next replace the original metal side of the reel and clamp down the ears securing both metal and cardboard discs in place. This completes one side of the reel. Repeat this operation on opposite side to complete the reel, then cut out cen ters of cardboard discs to permit access of spindle to reel hub. Robert Wcisflog, Milwaukee, Wise. Backwind Footage Countei Where an exact footage or frame counter is not available on cameras fitted with Windbacks, the exact footage *-THREPiD WEIGHT THREAD WINDS ON KEY, INDICATING LENGTH OF DISSOLVE to allow for fades in lap dissolves as well as the exact footage to windback may be determined as follows: As indicated in diagram, drill a small hole in shaft of windback key or crank, insert a twelve-inch length of black thread and knot it securely to the shaft. Attach a small lead weight to the free end. Thus, as the film is wound back, thread is wound upon shaft of key indicating stopping point or end of fade. — John S. Moniak, Chicago, III. SIDE VIEW t ^SCREEN EYE HOOK FOR SCREEN Screen Support In an emergency, an ordinary dining chair may be used to support either a wall or easel-type projection screen at an elevation higher than provided by other means. By securing a flat stick to brick of chair with cord or heavy rubber bands, as shown in sketch, and mounting screen on top of stick, screen may be extended above heads of audience for easier viewing by all. — Myron Fosdick, Scarsdale, Pa. shortcut* contributed by, Cinebug,* Simplifies Oiling Some home movie projectors, including the Keystone 8, provide oil holes for lubrication at points in the mechanism difficult to get at with an oil can. Oiling can be simplified by placing a beverage straw, such as served with soft drinks, over the oil hole and running oil from can through straw to vital oiling point. The straw actually becomes an extension on the oil can spout. — Fred Robertson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Titling Trick A novel titling trick can be executed with ordinary typewriter titlers that produce a title that raises from horizon • Continued on Pane 264 SLIT FOR T/TIE CRRt> 3/U WOOD DOWEL STAPLE