Home Movies (1943)

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PACE 298 HOME MOVIES FOR SEPTEMBER HOME MOVIES Title Centering Guides Available for every popular make and model 8mm. and 16mm. cine camera are these simple centering guides that assure quick, accurate centering of camera with title board — regardless of size of title cards used. Centering guides, printed on durable paper stock, available for the following cameras: 8MM. REVERE (ALL MODELS) 8MM. MAGAZINE CINE KODAK 8MM. SINGLE LENS FILMO 8MM. TURRET FILMO 8MM. CINE KODAK 20 8MM. CINE KODAK 25 8MM. CINE KODAK 40 8MM. KEYSTONE I6MM. CINE KODAK "K" FILMOS— All "70" MODELS I4MM. FILMO "121" I4MM. FILMO "141" I4MM. CINE KODAK E I4MM. VICTOR I4MM. KEYSTONE A3, A7 AND Bl Be Sure To Specify Make and Model of Camera When Ordering! 10c EACH HOME MOVIES 4040 Sunset Boulevard HOLLYWOOD CALIFORNIA 16mm TITLES SEPTEMBER SPECIAL I6mm. "The End" 5 ft 25c 14mm. "Focus" 5 ft 25c (Leader title to save those first shots) 16mm. "Miracle Pictures" 5 ft 25c ("If it's a good pictu-e It's a Miracle") Gag Title also 8mm. and 14mm. Bulk Movie Film 100' 8mm. $1.95 100' 14mm. $1.35 Write today for list of specials and our new Victory Price List on Home Processing Outfits, accessories and film. SUPERIOR BULK FILM CO. 188 W. Randolph HM-9 Chicago, III. When You Buy BAIA You Buy the Best Precision Made; Guaranteed Perfect $2.75 Plus 157c Tax BAIA MOTION PICTURE ENG. 166 Victor Highland Park Michigan HAZE & TYPEAFILTER I CHROME LENS SHADE & I FILTER POUCH are still being supplied with the PB MOVIE FILTER KITS at $4.75 Available For All Popular 8mm. Movie Cameras From All Leading Camera Dealers or 1015 So. Grand Ave. Los Angeles, Calif. Ponder & Best NEW — 8mm. Film — NEW New and improved Hollywood Outdoor Film now available. Plenty of film for all. Truthfully daylight loading — not clear positive wound on tir4 spool. All spools correctly designed to fit your camera. 6 months free machine processing included in price. -ORDER NOW 25 ft. 8mm. $2.25 Postpaid HOLLYWOODLAND STUDIO 9320 California Avenue SOUTHGATE CALIFORNIA We are licensed by Eastman. merely demagnetizing and re-recording. Some concern has been expressed regarding the permanence of magnetic records. I have observed no deterioration in records made a considerable time ago, which have been played an endless number of times. To make a sound record for a picture is some work and a lot of fun. A complete cue sheet, listing and timing each scene, is made, and all comments are written and timed. Background and incidental music are carefully selected to suit the mood and tempo of the picture. Then follows careful rehearsal of all parts, with perhaps some readjustment in the scene sequence and length. The record is finally made while the picture is being projected, with the recorder and projector synchronized and held strictly in step, with the driving mechanisms coupled by a flexible shaft. The problem of perfect coordination of the various persons participating in the making of a record is of no great consequence, because a second or a third try usually brings good results at no other cost than the time involved. To date I have put 1,400 feet of 8 nun. film to sound, which has been in considerable demand for screening, and though the equipment was not built for portability, I have made several demonstrations away from my home. To those of my readers who would follow my example and build a recorder, I offer this advice: Be sure that your wife and family are willing and able to stand the continual noise and neglect. Otherwise, get a sound-proof studio and hire an acceptable substitute. That every member of my family is still sane and happy is a credit to them. Since the completion of the experimental work, however, the making of sound for pictures has been fun because it has permitted the entire family to share in my hobby. The various members act as commentators, operate turntables, make sound effects, serve as critics, and so on, giving us a common interest. (At a later date, we hope to bring to our readers a complete and detailed account of the construction of Mr. Olson's magnetic sound recorder and reproducer. — ED. ) locu£ camera on your bu£ute££ • Continued from Page 28} is filled with excellent amateur industrial film productions, some of which have proved an open sesame to professional ranks for the filmers. The important thing is that the filmer should have progressed to the point where he turns out pictures consistently good in photography, composition, and editing. "From A to Z," "Spokane and The Inland Empire," and "Home Town" are just a few of the amateur produced industrial document films which have been reviewd by HOME MOVIES and given the merit award of Movie of The Month. "From A to Z" picturized the editing, composition, printing and distribution of a city telephone directory. Treated in a strictly factual manner, the directory itself was kept the center of interest although the human element was ever-present throughout the picture. The camera began by showing how the multitudinous list of telephone subscriber's names are arranged, filed, then listed for the linotyper ; how the linotype is set, the type locked in forms, and the pages printed on huge automatic presses. Next the printed pages were shown being folded, then assembled in the bindery, and eventually bound into books and delivered to the telephone company. The picture was produced by an amateur without any professional guidance whatever, other than that gathered from long observation of professional theatrical and business films. It still remains one of the best amateur industrial films produced to date. "Home Town," while not strictly an industrial film, includes much in the way of industrial film techniques in several sequences depicting mechanical operations within the engineering department of a modern city. Its producer found inspiration for the picture in the extensive and far flung business phases of his city's government — street maintenance department, water department, sewage disposal division, etc. With his camera, he concentrated upon picturing the highlights of these various departmental services, depicting each in compressed but complete continuity that illustrated the vital importance of each to the city's welfare. Today, perhaps, opportunities for filming within industrial plants are not so great in view of accelerated production and the secrecy that necessarily surrounds plants producing war materials. Yet some of these very plants are in dire need of training films that would enable the management to speed up training of new employees. The production of training films involves techniques little different from those used in producing industrial or product exploitation pictures. The movie amateur employed in wartime industry would do well to survey