Home Movies (1943)

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• The January meeting is logical time to hold "open house," inviting prospective members and demonstrating club's hospitality and educational work as well as best films produced by members. • One meeting should be devoted to demonstrating use of photofloods in indoor cinetography. Several lighting arrangements should be tried and the scenes or subject filmed for later study on (he screen. PROGRESSIVE IDEAS FOR CLUB PROGRAMS By LOUIS il SATISFACTORY program is probably the greatest need of many amateur movie clubs. Many articles have been published giving excellent ideas for a single evening. Enough have been published to cover more than a year. The one trouble is that there is a lack of logical progression between one program and the next. The Club which wishes to best succeed arranges its program like a serial in a magazine, so the C M U L L E R members always come back to get the next installment. So, a program is set at the start of the year which progresses coherently and reasonably throughout the year to a climax. Following is a program plan which meets these requirements. January — Open House. This is a somewhat informal meeting, devoted mainly to greeting visitors, particularly the prospective members who have just acquired cameras as Christmas gifts. A short meeting is held in the course of which is outlined the general program for the year. This is followed by a brief talk explaining the objects of a movie club. Screening of one or two amateur films follows. These should be real good examples of amateur work, possibly prize winners in national competition, borrowed for the occasion. Informality then follows for the balance of the evening, during which time the members should be good hosts to the visitors and invite them to join the Club. Having heard outlined the objects of the Club and the program for the coming year, and having seen some fine amateur movies, these visitors should be in a receptive frame of mind when the invitation to membership is proffered. February — Beginners' Night. A talk this evening should cover the following points: how a camera works, how to use it, how to take care of it; differences in films (pan, ortho, semi-ortho, etc.) and • Gadget night is always a highlight in any club program. A demonstration of member-made gadgets is stimulating; reveals a new facet of the hobby to the tyro movie maker. • Once the simplicity of developing positive film titles is demonstrated before club members, interest in title making is bound to increase. There will be fewer untitled pictures therafter, too.