Home Movies (1943)

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PACE 328 Super-orthochromatic . . ESO-B Our most popular film, ESO-B is guaranteed to give brilliant, sparkling movies, or your money back! Fresh stock. Available on double 8mm camera spools for all double 8mm. cameras. (Please state make of camera.) Dalite loading. Price includes cost of camera spools. For home processing, or, we are licensed by the Eastman Kodak Company to process double 8mm. film, if you prefer that we do it. Our charge, 45c per roll; spool returned with the finished film. The cost, per roll, $1.15, three rolls for $3.45. I Identify as Code 2, please). Postage 10c. We will ship c.o.d. ESO-B for Univex cameras, six spools for $2.60. 10c postage. We will ship c.o.d. ESO-A ortho at $1.10; ESO-C sepia at $1.20; ESO-D azure at $1.20 and ESO-G Scarlet at $1.15 are also available and fully described in our catalog. Write for particulars. Short subject films, accessories and titling service. All fresh stock, available in bulk, if you wish. ESO-E fully panchromatic Weston 100-80 film, $2.25; super-speed film; ESO-F fully panchromatic Weston 24-20 film, $1.90, speed film. (Identify as Code 2). Now available again! OUR GUARANTEE : ESO-S PICTURES unconditionally guarantees these 8mm films and will replace any film purchased or refund the full purchase price if you are not fully pleased with the results you get! YOU MUST BE SATISFIED! ESO-S PICTURES "Quality 8mm. Service'' 3945 CENTRAL KANSAS CITY. M0. 130 W. 46th St. BELL t\ HOWELL CO. New York City iam Larchmont. Chicago 716 N. LaBrea. Hollywood 16mm SOUND on Film Recording Studio and Editing Facilities BERNDT-MAURER RECORDER GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY 995-A Merchandise Mart CHICAGO When You Buy BAIA You Buy the Best Precision Made: Guaranteed Perfect $2.75 I'lus 15»/„ Tax BAIA MOTION PICTURE ENG. 1 66 Victor Highland Park Michigan HOME MOVIES FOR OCTOBER Library. Vigilantes battle claim-jumpers in search for the fabled lost Aztec mine. After it is found there is a thrilling seesaw battle to hold it. Every type of outdoor action thrill known to the chapter play is lavished on this super-serial production. Cast includes Dick Foran, Leo Carrillo, Buck Jones, "Big Boy" Williams, Charles Bickford, and Jeanne Kelly. Produced by Universal, the picture consists of 30 reels divided into 15 episodes. Rental rate is $3.00 per episode. Distribution is through Bell & Howell, 1 801 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, 111., and affiliated libraries. Captain Fury made available in 16mm. sound on film by Post Pictures Corp'n., 723 Seventh Ave., New York City, brings to sub-standard screens Briane Ahern, Victor McLaglen, and June Lang in what is considered one of the screen's most popular stories. It is based on a true adventure in the life of the Australian Robin Hood and his fight for freedom "down under" a century ago. Comprises nine reels, running time ninety-four minutes. Adventures At The Baskervilles is a popular feature length Sherlock Holmes yarn in 16mm. sound on film released by Commonwealth Pictures Corp'n., 729 Seventh Ave., New York City. All the familiar Conan Doyle characters come to life in this absorbing and gripping adventure picture which stars Arthur Wontner and Ann Harding. Setting for this story is same as that of The Hound of the Baskervilles except that the film episodes take place twenty years later. Professor Moriarty again crosses the path of his old enemy, Sherlock Holmes, with three murders to puncture the proceedings. Ride 'Em Cowboy featuring those popular comedians, Abbott and Costello, is now available in 16mm. sound through the Filmosound Libraries of Bell & Howell Company, 1801 Larchmont Blvd., Chicago. The nine-reel feature rents for S20.00. Considered the funniest and most elaborate of Abbott and Costello comedies, the story is laid in an Arizona dude ranch. There are beautiful girls galore, rodeo aces and Indians, all woven into the hilarious plot engaging these two comedians. Many of the comedy gags are unmatched by any other Abbott and Costello film since released. Rental of film is permitted for approved non-theatrical audiences only. JSew film* for Showmen . . . • Continued from Page )2} more from filming to screening home movies. Educational institutions from elementary schools to colleges as well as clubs and churches are also uniquely favored by the availability of these films which furnish both teaching aids and entertainment according to their respective needs. Every Castle Film dating back to the initial release, have also been made available in sound. As we approach the fall and winter season when home projectors will see greater use, Castle Films announce what is probably the most extensive and diversified program of film production in their history. Their 1943-44 catalog lists an array of interesting films sure to attract amateurs now active in building home movie libraries. Castle Films' latest current event release, available this month, is "Surrender of Italy" which is certain to prove a rare historic document in years to come. "Surrender of Italy" is but one of Castle's links in a long chain of current event films documenting the current war an which have been released regularly each month. A summary of all important world events will be contained in Castle's "News Parade of the Year," the 1943 edition of which will be issued early in