Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES FOR OCTOBER PAGE 329 December. Another December release will be "Football Thrills of 1943" which will include exciting scenes from most of the important gridiron games of the year. Among the entertainment films currently released by Castle, the new animated cartoon series featuring Kiko the kangaroo is proving extremely popular, due chiefly to the modern skill employed in animation and the fact each reel is a comprehensive continuity. The series to-date comprises eight separate subjects. In addition to these, Castle also releases a series of famous Terry-toon cartoons, some of which are available in color as well as sound. "Here Comes the Circus" is one of Castle's most popular entertainment films. It virtually brings you a ringside seat before the "greatest show on earth" and pictures the circus from the great parade to the spectacular elephant acts under the big top. And speaking of animals, Castle has a surprise in store for home projectionists in one of their latest films, "Clyde Beatty's Animal Thrills," a sensational document of this world-famous animal trainer's skill in training lions, leopards and tigers. Then there is "The Three Little Bruins" an amazing study of three little bears and their many wildlife friends in the woods. Concealed cameras succeeded in capturing amazing, intimate action shots of the bears in their wild habitat, making it truly an outstanding collector's item. A notable scenic release is Castle's "Glacier National Park," a gallery of magnificant scenes in one breath-taking movie. Seldom has this inaccessible region been so artistically photographed in motion pictures which presents on the home screen, this wilderness of trail and trout stream, perpetual ice fields, cloud piercing mountain peaks and big game sanctuaries. These are just some of Castle's latest releases. Their impressive catalog lists many more, plus all of their principle releases during the past year. All films are available for either 8mm. or 16mm. projectors as well as in 16mm. sound versions. Most subjects may be had in a choice of two lengths — 50 foot and 180 foot in 8mm, 100 foot and 360 foot in 16mm, and 350 foot sound version. Movie amateurs, who are among the few not using their projectors regularly, should consider augmenting their libraries of personal movies with professionally produced non-theatrical films. A modest library will make it possible to obtain the fullest measure of entertainment from a projector, besides furnishing a new incentive to keep active in the cine hobby. A . • • EVER* EX? HAVE* This new booklet furnishes a complete pictorial presentation of the many ways your versatile Weston (cine or still) can help you obtain perfect pictures indoors or out . . . covering the complete range of scene classifications from landscapes and water scenes to portraiture. It illustrates and describes every ingenious procedure in handling difficult or unusual conditions to insure CONTAINS OVER 50 ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING THE EASY WAYS TO OBTAIN CORRECT EXPOSURE FOR EVERY TYPE OF SCENE . . . IN BLACK AND WHITE OR COLOR! your getting the exact results you want. A special chapter on Kodachrome and Kodacolor illustrates the correct way to use your meter for best color results. Copies of this new booklet can be obtained through your photographic dealer. Price 25d per copy. Weston Electrical Instrument Corporation, 585 Frelinghuysen Ave., Newark 5, N. J. WESTON ZpMwItoa* HEEL FELLOWS! Mark your home movie films with the badge of prestige — the new animated Reel Fellows leader now ready for distribution to members of the Reel Fellows organization of movie amateurs. When ordering be sure to indicate 8mm. or 16mm. size. We ship postpaid. 8MM. 16MM. THE REEL FELLOWS— 6060 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif.