Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES Published in Hollywood VOIEMBER 1943 1 LS this is being written, the name "City of Inglewood, California" is being painted on the fuselage of a giant Mitchell Bomber — a mighty sky fighter that the citizens of Inglewood have personally contributed toward blitzing the Jap and the Nazi. Inglewood citizens are sending this ship off to war after contributing more than enough for its purchase in a recent war bond drive begun by the Inglewood Movie Club. As have many other amateur cine clubs, the Inglewood group wanted to contribute toward the war effort. An account in Home Movies, of the War Stamp Movie Show conducted recently by the Brooklyn chapter of the Reel Fellows, gave them an idea. The subject was discussed at a special club meeting and a committee appointed to arrange details. The committee first discussed the plan with several local business men. The support offered was overwhelming. The committee and club members reconvened to consider a broader plan in e*°od, c. ... ""'chased °fn 'a9ed ^ % ship to .. 9,e*°°d Mow. Club. ' BONDS M k BOMBER California cine club boosts war bond drive with "bomber high jinks." view of the support promised by the business men. It was decided to make the campaign city-wide and to set a goal of S 175,000 in war bond sales. A time limit for the campaign was set at two months. A request for certification of the drive was then sent to the U. S. Treasury department who promptly issued same and extended the campaign limit to five months. Every member of the Inglewood Movie Club was assigned an active post in the drive. First step to get the drive going was to publicize and advertise it. Local business men were asked to sponsor a series of three full page advertisements in an Inglewood daily paper which they gladly did. Appropriate publicity accompanied the ads in the news columns telling of the special drive being conducted by the Inglewood Movie Club backed by local merchants. The personal activities of club members centered on making civic and service clubs conscious of the drive. Members attended and made brief talks be• Continued on Vane 379 • Every member of Inglewood Movie Club contributed his talents toward planning, publicizing and staging bond selling rallies. • Club members painted posters, erected window displays, then went out personally and sold bonds that bought the Mitchell bomber.