Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES FOR NOVEMBER FACE 373 MOVIE MAKERS $1500.00 FOR ">eA, it>eA, * *M.oo t. * * . IDEAS $ \<> $ 8 MM MOTION PICTURE CAMERA & PROJECTOR DESIGN COMPETITION You who know what YOU want in the next motion picture camera you buy — what YOU think will simplify and perfect the operation of your next motion picture projector — this is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to share $1500.00 in U. S. War Bonds (maturity value) that DeVry Corporation will award those who contribute the best and most practical ideas for TOMORROW'S 8MM MOTION PICTURE CAMERA & PROJECTOR. What should this camera look like? How should it be equipped? What style projector do you prefer? How may its operation be simplified, perfected? PROJECTOR: ventilating system (lamp house); optical, system; film movement; reel arms; tilting device; film safety devices; take-up framing, focusing and shutter mechanisms, etc. Can you suggest particular developments of these features? CAMERA: (single or turret lens mount) view finder; shutter, footage indicator; loading mechanism; winding key; exposure guide; lens mount; focusing; single frame release mechanism, etc. Submit YOUR IDEAS in rough or in finished drawing— with brief comments if you desire. You may want to enter working model of a part. Drawing or designing skill (or workmanship of model) is secondary . . . the IDEA is what counts. But mail the coupon today for complete details — award amounts — Official Entry Blank. There's no obligation. Competition closes midnight, Dec. 31, 1943. DeVRY CORPORATION, 1111 Armitage Ave., Chicago. BUY WAR BONDS' — for Excellence in Ike ^Production of Motion Picture Sound Equipment \ .'"""To,, °«" "d* for th «! •*«■ •■■ £ ""••••I THE WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE LINE OF MOTION PICTURE SOUND EQUIPMENT 35mm. Theater Projector as Supplied to U.S. Armed Forces $5,000.00 35m Hollywood Studi Camera School ond Industrial 16mm. Motion Picture Sound Projector 35mm Battle Camera or "Desert Victory" Fame 16mm. All-Purpose Motion Picture Camera FOR 30 YEARS AN OUTSTANDING NAME IN THE CINEMATIC WORLD THIS HANDY COUPON BRINGS YOU FULL PARTICULARS ■■■ YOUR ENTRY BLANK Wm. C DeVry, President DeVRY CORPORATION 1111 Armitage Ave., Dept. 8-HM, Chicago 14, U.S.A. Without obligation please send me complete details concerning your 8MM MOTION PICTURE CAMERA & PROJECTOR COMPETITION. Name _Age_ Address Clfy. .State