Home Movies (1943)

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PAGE 37$ HOME MOVIES FOR NOVEMBER FOR ALL MOVIE FILTER NEEDS! * Harrison CINE KIT 4 FILTERS and DUAL-SNAP SHADE TO MEET ALL MOVIE FILTER NEEDS — both Kodachrome and Black and White. The new Harris** CINE KIT contains a special Aero L.xk Rise, a Dual-Snap Aluminum Sunshade, and the following de luxe Duraline Filters YL*6. 6Y-4, RD-4. and GR-4. Case is of durable 5-oz. Elkhid». felt lined. S6.95 and up. (If desired. Kodaclirnme users may substitute a C-4 and FIAZF. filter for any two of the above. ) Write for Free Illustrated Folder Toda> HARRISON & HARRISON OPTICAL ENGINEERS 6363 Santa Monica Blvd. Hollywood. Calif. CAMERA FILM I6MM. 100 FEET — $2.10 8mm. Double. 25 Feet — $1.25 PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING Silly Symphonies. Charlie Chaplin and other features at r :< per foct for complete subjects. Write For cataloi cf finished subjects. LIFE OF CHRIST — 8 REELS CROWN OF THORNS — 8 REELS ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA — 8 REELS 16mm. Sound Prints 5100.00 16mm. Silent Prints . 75.00 8mm. Silent 50.00 STEEL REELS 400 feet. 16mm 35t each. $4.00 Doz. 200 feet. Smm 25< each 400 feet. 16mm. cans 20< each. $2. Doz. Best Welding Film Cement 20* Bottle EXHIBITORS FILM EXCHANGE 530 Ninth Ave. I Dept. H ) Film Center Bid*.. N.Y.C. 8MM. — HOLLYWOOD FILM — 16mm. HI SPEED WESTON 100-80 25 Ft. Del. 8. S3 00 100 Ft. 16, $5.75 Including machine processing HOLLYWOODLAND STUDIOS 9320 CALIFORNIA AVE. SOUTH GATE, CALIF. Despite Rumors Plenty of Rim Available ZENITH FILM RENTALS Our new 1 944 Film Rental Catalog cover i ng 8m m. silent and 16mm. silent and Sound subjects of every descriotion is READY NOW. It is mailed FREE t3 any one within a radius of approximately 1000 miles from Chicago. ZENITH CINEMA SERVICE 3252 FOSTER AVENUE CHICAGO. ILL. 16mm SOUND on Film Recording Studio and Editing Facilities BERNDT-MAURER RECORDER GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY 995-A Merchandise Mart CHICAGO Double 88 or I6MM Panchromatic film Speed 24-16 Non-halation bise Lab. packed. 100 ft. dble. 88. $3.90: I6MH. $3.80: Single 8. $2.40. 400 ft. dble. 8. $15.00: I6MM. $14.80: Sinale 8. $8.00. 33 ft. dbl. 8 metal spool processing included. $1.89. 100 ft. I6MM. metal spool processing included. $4.90. We ■recess 100 ft. I6MH at $1.25 : 33 ft. dbl. 8. 60c. Fee Circulars.. I6MM film in speed 64-40 at above FROMADER CENERA CO. BOX 637. DAVENPORT. IOWA Vkr' ' linlihing L ouch " roa Ul WEll EDITED MOVIES CRAIG FOTOFADE ■juts smooth fadcs and wins CRAIG MOVIE SUPPLY CO. TITLE TROUBLES By GEORGE W. CUSHMAN O: Is there any mctlwd by uhich I can fade one title into the other uhen one is Kodachrome and the other black and uhite? — S. K., Ft. Benning, Georgia. A: If the titles are already filmed, there is no way by which you can fade one into the other. However, you can make one title wipe off into the other by cutting the films diagonally for about six or eight frames, then matching the cuts and splicing together with clear cellulose tape. If, however, you seek to fade such titles yet to be made, you can achieve desired results in the following manner: Prepare two title cards identical in size, design and text. Color one and leave the other black and white. Then, with color film in the camera, shoot the black and white title, fading out at the end. Cap the lens and backwind film a few frames, insert colored title card in titler and fade in on same, shooting it for desired length. On the screen, the black and white title will appear first, then dissolve into the color. This result can also be obtained by using only one title card, shooting it in black and white first, then, without removing it from titler, coloring it and filming it again in color. Q: I hate tested my title area very carefully according to system described M your book, "How To Title Home Moiics" and am confident I bate de termined the exact center; yet, invariably, uhen titles appear on screen, the last letter or two of each line is cut off. What is my trouble} — M. J., Minneapolis, Minn. A: First examine your film carefully. If all the lettering appears on the film frame but some is cut off when projected, its probably because your projector aperture is smaller than that of your camera. Remedy, is to make projector aperture larger. Also, you should not include too much lettering to a line. Leave plenty of margin to the right and left of your lines as well as at top and bottom. O: Is it true that a filter will tend to make sharper titles? — /. M. deP., S'eu Orleans, La. A: It is doubtful if a filter would make "sharper" titles. But where the background and lettering are both in color, and the title is to be filmed with black and white film, a filter could make the lettering sharper or more legible by increasing contrast between letters and background. For example: If title is lettered in white on a bluish background, using an orange or yellow filter before camera, filter would pass the white letters but hold down the blue background. But where title is the usual black and white, no filter will improve photographic results. (Review* o/ cAmateur 3ilm£ . . . • Continued from Page 146 the players. By merely moving the camera a short distance to film the scene rrom another angle, these distracting factors could have been eliminated. Unfortunately many of the scenes were underexposed and the camera unsteady: but taxed with a dozen and one details which surely this filmer must have been in shooting such a pretentious story, it is understandable that occasionally she might forget to check her lens for correct focus. Some titles were out of focus also. There are ample titles in the picture, but too much emphasis was placed upon making the subtitles ornate. Instead of a consistent style of composition, each title is composed differently out of white block letters. Letters of different sizes are used and the lines often set at an angle. Here again we must remind movie amateurs that long practice has established the rule that sub-titles should be composed as simple as possible, without decoration and tricky effects which tend to distract from the title's message and slow down action of the picture. In exhibiting the picture. Rev. Bickhart speaks a prepared narrative, using microphone and amplifier. In view of this, we should say the subtitles could be entirely eliminated from the picture. All and all, "The Story of Ruth" is a commendable effort, and Home Movies' reviewers have awarded it 2 -Stars. The treatment of "A 4-Gallon Vacation" is one that scores of other movie