Home Movies (1943)

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PACE 380 HOME MOVIES FOR NOVEMBER A "Gifty" Gift A Thrifty Gift! FOR the movie maker on your Christmas shopping list, what better gift than a subscription to "Home Movies" magazine— a gift that renders happiness not alone on Christmas day, but every day in the year? Here's the gift that repeats itself 12 times a year; brings useful information, filming ideas and news to spur the movie maker on with his hobby. Not even a roll of hardto-get film would be more welcome this year! Mail the coupon below, today. We'll start the subscription with the December issue and send the lucky movie maker a special Christmas card announcing your gift. P. S.: Are you a subscriber? If not, use the coupon for your subscription, too. With paper shortage looming bigger than ever, newsstand copies are bound to be scarcer. HOME MOVIES 1 Year $2.50 2 Years $4.00 Hollywood's Magazine for Movie Amateurs HOME MOVIES 6060 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calif. Gentlemen: Enclosed please find $ Please enter Year subscription to HOME MOVIES to be mailed to: Name Address City Signed Address Zone No. State around 10 p. m., worked until one and two o'clock in the morning, painting posters, laying out newspaper ads, and tapping out publicity blurbs on an old typewriter." So successful was the club's "Buy A Bomber" bond campaign, club has been nominated to membership on Inglewood's official war bond selling committee, and will join with other civic agencies in future bond drives. In the meantime, of course, they'll continue with regular club activities, filming and screening home movies. Stimulated by the enthusiasm accorded members films screened publicly during the bomber bond drive, plans are now under way for a huge salon showing of the club's best member-made movies. Z)he dreader Speak* . . . • Continued from Page )44 I hope that you will pardon this outburst. It is just a sign that I haven't lost interest in my twelve-year-old hobby.— R. C. Denny, Fresno, Calif. Better Idea Gentlemen: I noted, with interest, on page 252 of the August issue, details for building a film developing rack. The specifications called for use of brass nails as guides for film on the rack cross members. May I say that in my opinion brass nails should not be used as the copper content in the nails will contaminate the developing solution, particularly the fine grain developers which require a longer immersion of film in the solution. Wooden pegs should be substituted. Also suggest that the entire developing rack be coated with asphaltum paint before use. Otherwise, hypo may penetrate the wood, remaining there to contaminate developing solutions in subsequent processing operations. Bert Baker, Minneapolis, Minn. Experimental Workshop . . . • Continued from Page }6) in bottom of large saucepan and into this was fitted a porcelain lamp socket. Holes drilled in top of cup permit heat from lamp to escape. Two L-shaped brackets were riveted to pan near the rim and these served as a hinged clamp for attaching reflector to a wooden upright fitted with wooden cross members for legs. A "snout" was made for this reflector out of another saucepan of similar size. This was fitted with small spring clamps around the rim that permits clamping it over front of the reflector. The snout serves to concentrate the light in a narrow beam, similar to a spot light but with less intense light. — Demetris Emanuel, Los Angeles, Calif. Novel Titles If your home is fitted with Venetian blinds, one of them may be used in conjunction with your title making to produce interesting fade-in and fadeout titles. After placing a black drape in back of the blind, arrange the title upon the slats with cut-out or "stick-on" letters. Before shooting the title the blind should be opened so that slats are fully horizontal. Then, starting the camera, the blind is gradually closed to produce the fadein effect and left in "closed" position for the duration of time title is to remain on the screen. To fade-out, slowly open Venetian blind until the slats are in horizontal position again. — Lew Gordon, Portland, Ore. STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912. AND MARCH 3. 1933. Of HUME MOVIES, published monthly at Los Angeles, California, for October 1st. 1943. State of California. County of Los Angeles, ss: Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared C. J. Ver Halcn, Jr.. who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Associate Publisher of the Home Movies and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933. embodied in section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, C. J. Ver Halen, Sr., 9014 Lark Ellen Circle, Los Angeles, Calif., and C. J. Ver Halen, Jr., 9024 Lark Ellen Circle, Los Angeles. Calif.; Editor. Arthur E. Gavin, 2230 East Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, Calif. 2 Tnat the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of tatal amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as well as those of each individual member, must be given.) Partnership. C. J. Ver Halen. Sr.. 9014 Lark Ellen Circle. Los Angeles, Calif.; C. J. Ver Halen, Jr., 9024 Lark Ellen Circle, Los Angeles, Calif. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company hut also, in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated by him. C. J. VER HALEN. JR. (Signature of editor, publisher, business manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of October, 1943. (SEAL) S. E. GRILL. (My commission expires Oct. 13, 1945.)