Home Movies (1943)

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PACE 396 HOME MOVIES FOR DECEMBER this is YOU in A BOMBER! Yes — there you are in the nose of a Fortress — about to release ten tons of "eggs" on a Jap ammunition dump in the Caroline Islands! Of course, you can't really be there in person. But you are represented there! The bonds you bought helped build this Fortress... pay for the bombs... train the crew. Yes, you're right there in this picture — because you're doing your job of buying bonds, making this scene possible! And just as these bomber crews go on hammering at Hirohito until their job is done . . . you will go on buying more bonds, saving scrap, giving blood, until Victory is won. When that time comes you can face every returning veteran with a clear conscience ... and join with him in enjoying the richer, fuller life that peace will bring. Freedom for all the world comes first. But there will be material rewards as well. Wartime feats of science and engineering will bring us all new comforts, new thrills. For instance, if you're a camera enthusiast, Universal will offer finer -than -ever cameras at prices well within your means. The experience gained in furnishing the Army, Navy, Marines and United Nations with precision optical equipment will open new horizons after Victor)-. But in the meantime there's only one way to make that Victory— those better times— possible. That's by everyone of us backing even bomber . . . every tank . . . every sub . . . with everything we've got. Make doubly sure of your place in that bomber— today! t one flag we're prouder of! {/n/versal Camera Corporation NEW TORK CHICAGO HOLLYWOOD Hikers of Precision Photographic and Optical Instruments Peacetime Manufacturers of Cinemaster, Mercury, Corsair Cameras