Home Movies (1943)

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HOME MOVIES FOR DECEMBER PACE 409 Subject consists of ten reels and runs for 92 minutes. It is currently available for rent or lease from Nu-Art Films, Inc., 145 West 45 th St., New York City, N. Y. Jungle Cavalcade, considered one of the greatest wild animal pictures ever produced, is now available in 16mm. sound. This thrilling film of the Malay jungles combines all the outstanding sequences of "Bring 'Em Back Alive," "Wild Cargo," and "Fang and Claw.'" The picture shows the daring capture of a giant orang-outang, a wild elephant hunt, the breath-taking fight between a 30-foot python and a Bengal tiger, and other suspenseful drama. This subject consists of 8 reels and is available on rental basis from Walter O. Gutlohn, Inc., 25 West 45 th St., New York City 19, N. Y. Broadway, produced by Universal Pictures, in an innovational treatment of stirring melodrama, portrays George Raft as he was when a Times Square tap dancer and as he is today, one of Hollywood's leading film stars. The plot is laid in the gang war era of prohibition and includes Pat O'Brien and Janet Blair in the cast. Film is available for rental for showing before approved non-theatrical audiences from Bell & Howell Filmosound Libraries, 1801 Larchmont Blvd., Chicago. Subject consists of 10 reels and rents for $17.50. WHERE TO RENT OR BUY 8MM. and 16MM. FILMS 1 O augment your home movie shows, make use of the fine libraries of rental films, both sound and silent, maintained by your photo dealer for owners of 8mm. and 16mm. projectors. Rental rates are surprisingly low and new films are added at regular intervals. Dealers listed below will gladly assist with suggestions for one reel to full evening programs: CALIFORNIA HOLLYWOOD Bailey Film Service 1651 Cosmo Street Bell & Howell Filmosound Library 716 N. La Brea Ave. Castle's Inc. 1529 Vine Street LOS ANGELES Films Incorporated 170? W. 8th Street SAN LUIS OPISPO Shadow Arts Studio 1036 Chorro Street DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WASHINGTON Bell & Howell Filmosound Library ' 1221 G St.. N. W. ILLINOIS BERWYN Colonial Camera Shop 6906 Windsor Ave. CHICAGO Bell & Howell Filmosound Library 1825 Larchmont Ave. Films Incorporated 64 E. Lake Street MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON Don Elder's Film Library 739 Boylston St., Dept. HM. Frank Lane and Company 5 Little Building QUINCY Stanley-Winthrop's "Rent-A-Reel" Service 5-7 Revere Road MICHIGAN DETROIT Detroit Camera Shop 325 State Street NEW YORK KENMORE Nixon Camera & Photo Supply Co. 2811 Delaware Ave. NEW YORK Bell & Howell Filmosound Library 30 Rockefeller Plaza Films Incorporated 330 W. 42nd St. Haber & Fink, Inc. 12-14 Warren St. Medo Photo Supply 15 West 47th St. Mogull's Inc., 55 W. 48th St. (Radio City) National Cinema Service 69 Dey Street Nu-Art Films, Inc. 145 West 45th Street OHIO CINCINNATI Haile & Assoc. (B & H Branch) 215 Walnut St. (Within 100 Miles) CLEVELAND Collier Photo Sales 10901 Union Avenue Koller's Home Movie Exchange 10104 St. Clair Avenue. DAYTON Dayton Film (8-16) Rental Libraries 2227 Hepburn Ave. OREGON PORTLAND Films Incorporated 314 S. W. 9th Avenue TEXAS DALLAS National Ideal Pictures, Inc. 2024 Main St. WEST VIRGINIA CHARLESTON 2 Elmer B. Simpson 816 W. Virginia St.