Home Movies (1944)

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HOME MOVIES FOR AUGUST PACE 337 of better quality from point of frame registry than many other cameras equipped with the pilot register pin. The production of 16mm. all-color western features by this company is no poverty-row enterprise. Adequately financed and capably managed by old hands in the industry, Major 16mm. Productions have staffed the production unit with all-Union technicians, and all players are Equity members. Budgets set up for strictly professional production of the first two pictures are said to be entirely within reason for adequate returns from the 1 6mm. bookings. It has been pointed out that today there are a total of 60,000 accounts renting 16mm. films in comparison to some 17,000 theatres in this country taking the Hollywood 35mm. product. In addition, the booking life of a 1 6mm. subject carries over a greater number of years. Already lined up for Major's 16mm. releases are over 2400 commitments in the non-theatrical field when the new school term opens in September, indicative of the potentialities of this hungry 1 6mm. market. Sixteen millimeter projector owners and others will watch with considerable interest, this imposing new venture which marks a milestone in the progress of motion pictures. It is, indeed, another auspicious step in the destiny of 1 6mm. in the theatrical film field. 3ve Qot a Problem . . . • Continued from Page 3 12 black velvet drop to mark off lower portion of scene or use a dividing matte in front of lens so no light will reach lower half of the film. O: / notice that on commercial films the name of the film is often printed photographically in large letters on the leader. Is this done by some sort of special printer? Is there any way the amateur coidd do this? — R. T '., Baltimore, Maryland. A: Leaders can be printed in this manner by use of an ordinary titler. Make 26 cards just the size of the title area, drawing one letter of the alphabet on each. Spell out the words by placing each letter in order in the title area and photographing one frame of each. The letters are placed with their top to the right. Photograph a blank card for spaces. For positive film use black letters on white cards, for reversal film use white letters on black cards. Q: While projecting a commercial film recently a splice broke and part of one of the titles was damaged by projector sprocket. Is there any way I can Take a trip through Fairyland . . . ^ WALT DISNEY WITH THESE 35MM FULL-COLOR TRANSPARENCIES AND A HOLLYWOOD VIEWER Great fun for kids and grown-ups too! © Walt Disney Productions Here are full-color transparencies — perfect reproductions of Disney's original films in all the exquisite artistry of form and color. Enjoy them at home. There are 6 sets of 10 slides each. (5 groups that are condensed versions of Disney feature pictures and 1 set showing close-ups of Disney Characters). Hollywood Viewer complete with No. 1 series of 10 slides, attractively boxed ..$4.95 Individual story sets, 10 slides numbered in sequence, with story synopsis beneath each picture $2.50 Famous Disney Characters: Ten specially selected "close-ups" showing 24 leading characters. The Story of Pinocchio: Highlights of the story, including selections from all major scenes. Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs: Snow White, the Prince, the Old Witch and famous Disney Dwarfs. Excerpts from Fantasia: Ostrich Ballet, the Centaurettes, Winged Horses, Ice Fairies — etc. The story of Bambi: Bambi, the deer, and his lovable forest companions — a real children's story. Dumbo: Dumbo, the little elephant with the big ears — and a colorful circus background. Mail Orders Filled World's Largest Camera Store Built on Square Dealing 32ND STREET NEAR 6TH AVENUE, NEW YORK 1 N. Y. "50 IDEAS FOR FILMING CHILDREN" Story Plots! Scenarios! Titles! EVERY movie amateur needs this booklet! Contains more than 50 plot and continuity ideas; three complete scenarios; and a host of art title cards for kiddie movies for only — HOME MOVIES 25c POSTPAID 6060 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28. Calif.