Home Movies (1944)

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PAGE 524 HOME MOVIES FOR DECEMBER 'Onward Christian Soldiers' One of the 18 Hymnalogues NOW AVAILABLE in 16mm. Sound Kodachrome AND NOW IN PRODUCTION Watch for Release! Blessed Assurance Blest Be The Tie Beulah Land, Oh Beulah Land Home On The Range Home Sweet Home How Firm A Foundation I Love To Tell The Story I Need Thee Every Hour Jesus Lover Of My Soul Jesus Savior Pilot Me In The Garden Just As I Am Leaning On The Everlasting Arms Love Divine Near The Cross My Country 'Tis Of Thee O Come All Ye Faithful Softly And Tenderly Old Black Joe What A Friend We Shall Gather At The River Work, For The Night Is Coming Watch for Them! SONG BOOK OF THE SCREEN 1 1315 Ventura Blvd., No. Hollywood, Calif. NOW BOOKING The Most Popular 1 6mm. MUSICAL Feature of the Year FOLLIES GIRL with Wendy Barrie — 4 Famous Bands Many Other Features and Shorts Write for FREE Catalogue H. EA 95 N. Main Waterbury 14, Conn. USE Fine Grain Reversible Safety Film. Ample Outdoor Speed *mmA AMBERTINT FILM 8mm $3. SOincludes machine processing. Day$2.25 r light spools, ready to load & shoot, inn *♦ Calif, buyers include sales tax. _P L l0U HOLLYWOODLAND STUDIOS 50 tt"The West's Greatest Film Mail Order House" Southgate California 42 ONE REEL COMEDIES IN 16MM SOUND BOB HOPE, |OE E. BROWN, BING CROSBY, AL JOLSON, JACK BENNY AND OTHER STARS. List Price $20 Each— Dealer Discount COMEDY HOUSE 130 W. 46th St. New York 19, N. Y. FILMGRAPH Miles . VOICE AND MUSIC RECORDINGS "Make Your Own Talkies" LIMITED SUPPLY— FILMGRAPH Models JV or JVC RecorderReproducers — latest modern methrd of recording directly on your 16mm film or on Miles M-5 blank Safety Film. Accurate, lengthy recordings. Can be used with or without projectors. Write for Circular. MILES REPRODUCER CO., Inc. 812 Broadway (Dept. HM-12) New York 3 board letters which may be purchased from most showcard artists' supply houses. Another source of titling material often overlooked by the amateur is the wealth of road signs and directional markers that one encounters in making vacation and travel films. Filming these signs closeup, they serve as informative titles for your pictures and obviate the need for making explanatory titles later when editing them. If this method of titling an outing film is to be adopted, it should be followed through completely so that every point of interest and each new change in locale is identified and explained by a closeup of the sign or marker found at the original location. Maps, circulars and resort advertisements, filmed in closeup can also be inserted in travel films in lieu of titles to identify a locale or give information important to the scenes that follow. Occasionally we find an amateur who leans on the theory that "titles only slow down the unfolding of the picture on the screen" as a valid excuse for not titling his pictures. We need only to remember, however, that in the days of silent movies, EVERY picture had titles. Critical 3ocu£er 3 or Kodak . . • Continued from Page 509 The critical focuser comprises three basic parts: the base, essentially the same size as camera base, which supports a large hollow tube (C in diagram) ; the lens mounting A which takes the camera lens and holds a ground glass in back of lens at same distance as film plane in camera ; and a second hollow tube D fitted with lenses at either end which rights the image projected by the camera lens upon the ground glass, making it visible right side up when viewed by the eye at opposite end of tube. The lenses for tube D were obtained from the Edmund Salvage Company, Audubon, New Jersey, and are 31mm. in diameter with a 92mm. focal length. Both camera and focuser are mounted on a metal base plate that is slotted to slide back and forth along two rods that are a part of the special tripod mounting and which will be described later. Fig. 1 shows camera lens mounted on the critical focuser which has been shifted to the left to the cameras' taking position. Fig. 2 shows the camera with its lens returned to place, shifted back to taking position after the lens has been lined up with and focused sharply upon the object to be photographed. All details and necessary dimensions for building this critical focuser for the model K Cine Kodak are given in the diagram — Fig. 5. The base and support B are of wood. The lens bracket A is a 2inch disc cut from %-inch plywood with a jig-saw. A one-inch hole was bored in the center and this hole then fitted with a metal insert made from a piece of %-inch brass pipe. It was cut off in a lathe to insure that it would be squared up critically to form an accurate seat for the camera lens and also the ground glass. The same accuracy was followed in boring the one-inch hole in the circular piece A. Means for attaching the camera lens tc this bracket is by small brass screws (Aa), the heads of which were filed to fit the holes in flange of the lens mounting. These screws are driven into the piece A just far enough to permit holding lens tightly against the bracket. On the opposite side of piece A, a square of ground glass is mounted flush against the mteal flange insert. Centered over this is a piece of black masking paper in the exact center of which is cut out a rectangle the same size as a 16mm. film frame. The two wooden end supports are joined together with a section of paper tubing cut from a discarded mailing tube 2 Yz inches in diameter. Dupont plastic cement plus the fabrikoid covering hold the tube firmly to the supports. Inside the tube C is another tube D which, together with the two 31mm. lenses mounted at either end, forms the magnifying unit that inverts and enlarges the lens image as seen by the eye from back of the gadget. The tube D is fixed securely within the tube C by means of cardboard rings slipped over each end as shown. Before the focuser is completely assembled, this tube is moved back and forth until it is sharply focused upon the ground glass. Both tube C and D are painted flat black on the inside to reduce light reflection to a minimum. The rear unit, corresponding writh unit B, has a small hole drilled in the exact center through which viewing of the magnified ground glass image is effected. After this critical focuser was completed and covered with fabrikoid to harmonize with the camera finish, the next step was to build the lateral shiftover platform on which to mount the camera and focuser on a tripod for use. Now this platform is more elaborate than might be desired by other filmers. In addition to providing for the shiftover rods and mounting plate, it also