Home Movies (1944)

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PACE 528 HOME MOVIES FOR DECEMBER WAYNE COLOR PRINTS FROM 16mm Kodachrome MOVIE FILM ORIGINAL S A ■» Ef PRINT 4x6 4*#«# €G DUPLICATE A C PRINTS ©Q. DUPLICATES OBTAINABLE FOR ONE YEAR Handling charge on reprint orders. $1.00 Now you can have full color stills from your favorite 14 MM Kodachrome movie films, at these unusually low prices. You will be pleased with WAYNE COLOR PRINTS. They faithfully reproduce the brilliant colors of your prized movie scenes. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SEND ONLY THREE FRAMES, prints will be made from the center frame. DO NOT SEND LONG LENGTHS OF FILM. FILM MUST BE CLEAN AND SHARP See yeur dealer, or send direct to us. WAYNE STUDIO and PHOTOGRAPHIC COLOR LABORATORY 327 WASHINGTON STREET BUFFALO 3, NEW YORK Ask Yiur Deilsr VAPORATE CO. INC. 130 W. 48th St. New Y*rk City BELL II HOWELL CO. 1801 Larehneat. Chieeie 716 N. Lelrea. Hollywood EVERY 8MM. FAN WANTS CINE EXTENAR It's the new WIDE ANGLE lane that every cine fan needi to catch the whole picture. Simply icrawi •var regular Imm. lent, providing Identical focus ana* definition plus a WIDE ANGLE. $27.50 FOB TOLL PARTICULARS, WRIT* TODAY CAMERA SPECIALTY CO. a Woet Mtk Street New Yerk City 16mm. SOUND on Film Recording Studio and Editing Facilities BERNDT-MAURER RECORDER GEO. W. COLBURN LABORATORY 995-A Merchandise Mart CHICAGO 54 some time and the man gets nervous, indicated by frequent glancing at wristwatch, etc. He looks up to see his girl friend drive by in her car. She stops, gets out and bawls him out, then leaves. By this time, man decides not to wait for nurse, but to wheel baby in direction in which nurse went to make phone call. Meantime, nurse returns to scene from opposite direction, misses man with baby and perambulator, calls a policeman, and has him arrested. There's an explanation and alj ends well. A fault in editing were the repetitive closeups of the wristwatch. Once the watch was introduced in closeup, it was enough to show the man glancing at it from medium and longshot, as was frequently the case. Overall photography was generally lair with too-frequent fadeouts one of the chief drawbacks. A Home Movies' 3 -Star leader was awarded this otherwise good 8mm. photoplay effort. 3dea 3or *Xma£ ylt • Continued from Page 503 Medium shot: Camera set slightly back of tree in order to get a portion of tree in the scene. Bobby enters room, runs toward tree. Closeup: Bobby picks up some particular toy, examines it, etc. Closeups Of Mother or Dad or both, as they watch Bobby. Place camera low and shoot up to catch the more natural expression of the parents looking down at Bobby on the floor. Closetip: (This can be a sequence of several closeups catching Bobby from several different angles showing studied expressions and actions as he discovers other toys and plays with them. Fadeout. Medium shot: of family at dinner table. Move in to — Closeup: of Bobby at dinner table, with a toy close by, stuffing himself with turkey, etc. Medium closeup: Mother and Daddy watching Bobby and smiling. Closeup: Of clock showing the hour 8 o'clock. Medium shot: Mother picks up Bobby, holds him up to Daddy for a good night kiss, then exits with child toward nursery. Medium closeup: Mother tucks Bobby in bed, placing a toy bear beside him. Snans out table lamp nearby. Fadeout. Title: THE END. While more experienced filmers might scoff at this simple story plot, it nevertheless orovides a sound story basis for an entertaining movie that even the more professional could utilize with success. The simplicity that appears in cold print can be turned into a warm, wholesome screen story bv camera artistry and good editing. This, of course, depends upon the individual. Essentially, the story idea, as offered here, is for the beginning amateur — the filmer with not too much experience. Yet there is plenty of latitude for him to expand upon the story and to work in little bits of human interest business that will give the picture added screen appeal. owe . At two different points we have suggested such deviations and there are other opportunities. If there are more than one child in the family, they must be brought into the picture, of course, and their activities can follow pretty much that outlined for Bobby, except that all cannot sit upon mother's lap at one time while she reads the bedtime story! So we group them around mother, and ultimately show them nodding with drowsiness, and then being hustled off to bed. If Grandma and Grandpa will be with you Christmas, they, too, can be included in the scenes along with mother and Dad. While mother is reading to Bobby, cut in shots of Dad, Grandma and Grandpa trimming the tree. The following day, add closeups of them at the dinner table. And here are a few tips that will make such picture taking easier: where indoor lighting charts are followed instead of using an exposure meter, take into consideration that the Christmas tree will be considerably darker than other objects in the room, and that chart exposures are based upon average tones and colors. Where details of tree are desired, open up another stop. If you're using Kodachrome, the tree trim can be emphasized in a more interesting manner by shooting a series of closeups of various sections of the tree, each time centering camera upon some brightly colored ornament. Many filmers miss on exposures where WATCH EXPIRATION DATE! Paper is being strictly rationed. Every month we are forced to start many subscriptions with later issues than the month requested. Subscribers who do not renew iheir subscriptions in advance of expiration may miss copies before their names get on the list again. Send your renewal at least three months in advance to insure receiving consecutive copies.