Home Movies (1954)

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2 SHORT SCRIPTS... The Intruder 1. M.S. Man climing ladder to bedroom window. 2. M.S. Passer-by loks up, startled. 3. C.U. Man starts to open window. 4. C.U. Passer-by stares up at him. 5. M.S. Man disappears head-first through window. 6. S.S. Passer-by rushes off. 7. M.S. Passer by enters phone booth and dials number. 8. C.U. Policeman picking up phone. 9. C.U. Passer-by speaking. 10. C.U. Title: "I've just seen a burglar breaking into my own house." 11. C.U. Policeman noting address. 12. M.S. Passer-by leaves phone booth and heads back towards house. Fade out. Fade in. 13. M.S. Policeman and passer-by arrive at house together. The police By DEXTER JONES man knocks at the door, while the other waits at the foot of the ladder. 14. C.U. Man opens door. 15. C.U. Policeman, speaking and pointing to ladder. 16. C.U. Title: "Any arguments?" 17. C.U. Man laughs and speaks. 18. C.U. Title: "I live here — just forgot my key." 19. M.S. Passer-by looks outraged. Policeman grins and leads man off. 20. Policeman speaking. 21. C.U. Title: "Try a better one next time." 22. C.U. Passer-by eurns and enters house. 23. M.S. Passer by ransacking drawers of silverware. He laughs to himself. 24. C.U. Title: "That's given me a clear field." (The End.) *J* ♦^♦•j* «^-^» *j* *j» *.^».»^«>«^*«^»*^* «.^^*^» «.^*«^» ♦j* *j* *j* •-j* .-j. •j* The Bookworm 1. M.S. Public library readingroom with several people sitting around the main table. 2. C.U. Man engrossed in an enormous volume. 3. M.S. Someone walks out, slamming the door. 4. C.U. Man loks up annoyed, and speaks to the other readers. 5. C.U. Title : "No consideration for others!" 6. C.U. He shhakes his head sadly and resumes reading. 7. M.S. Boy brushes past corner of table and knocks over a small pile of books. 8. C.U. Man looks up angrily. 9. M.S. Boy backs away sheepishly and knocks over a bigger pile. 10. M.S. All the readers turn and stare at him. 11. C.U. Man speaking. 12. C.U. Title: "They shouldn't allow kids where folks are trying to study." 13. C.U. He resumes reading book. 14. M.S. Two girls enter the room, By JANE LEWIS talking excitedly. 15. C.U. First girl's mouth chattering furiusly. 16. C.U. Second girl's mouth talking even faster. (Both these shots would look best speeded up by running at half speed). 17. C.U. Man turns to them and speaks. 18. C.U. Title: "Please! I'm trying to concentrate." 19. M.S. Girls look at him coldly and continue as before. 20. M.S. Man gets up and speaks to library official. 21. C.U. Title: "Can't you throw them out?" 22. M.S. Official escorts two girls out of reading room. 23. C.U. Man returns to his book. 24. M.S. Official returns to room, glances over man's shoulder, and peers closely, grinning. 25. C.U. An open girlie magazine is hidden in the impressive looking volume. (The End.) A Welcome Gift for Your Friends "HOW TO EXPOSE ANSCO COLOR" $3.00 "HOW TO TITLE HOME MOVIES" 1.00 "HOW TO REVERSE MOVIE FILM" 1 .00 Ver Halen Publishing Company 6327 SANTA MONICA BLVD. HOLLYWOOD 38, CALIFORNIA 0T I0P It's Easy with the Morse G-3 Daylight Developer YOUR MOVIES IN Enjoy "rushes" of your own movies the same day you take them — as professional studios do. With the Morse G-3 Daylight Developing Tank, reversal or positive motion picture film can be processed quickly and economically at home — in full daylight. A darkroom is necessary only for loading. From filming to projection is a matter of hours with this compact, efficient unit. Stainless steel film reels accommodate up to 100 feet of 8/8 mm, 16 mm or 35 mm film — adjust quickly to either size. Many applications in industry, for processing Micro-file film, etc. Dry Fast with the MORSE M-30 Film Dryer Simple. Portable. a Dries film in 10 minutes. Collapsible reel removable for storage or carrying. See Your Deoler or Mail Coupon Below for Folder MORSE INSTRUMENT CO. 23 Clinton St., Hudson, Ohio Please send me free literature and prices on the Morse G-3 Daylight Developer and Morse M-30 Film Dryer. Name Street Address City Zone State.. 315