Home Movies (1954)

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f w NOW AVAILABLE!! EASTMAN KODAK KODACHROME DUPLICATES 8mm or 1 6mm Per Foot From Your Originals Mail Orders Accepted HOLLYWOOD 16mm INDUSTRIES, INC. 1453 N. Vine St. Hollywood, Calif 1 3 TITLE WHILE WU SHOOT] with CLINGTITE LETTERS Clingtile Letters stick on contort with all smooth surfaces. No glue, adhesive* or pins. Now, title on location . thru oufo window with subject os background; on mirror for 3-D title; and many other professional and trick effects. Over 150 reusable letters, numerals, figures plus titling boords. At better dealers... If your dealer can't supply you, order direct. Send $2. 95... we pay postage with full money back guarantee. STILL IN DOUBT??? Then send your address and we'll mail you free sample letters. CLINGTITE PRODUCTS 1533 Hyde Park Blvd., Dept. H-ll, Chicago, III. .•IIIIIMIIIIIII III MM III Mi . THEATRE QUALITY 16mm SOUND The finest equipment plus top technical skill gives you the brilliant, tone-true track that will result in wider distribution and more bookings for your picture. Let us prove Telefilm recording can benefit you. Write for Information Dept. A11 TELEFILM, INC. | 6 0 3 9 Hollywood Blvd Hollywood 28. Calif. PRECISION ALIGNMENT FOR CLOSE-UPS sensational new kentech 3-D slide bar SHIFT-OVER GAUGE FOR ANY MOVIE CAMERA CONVENIENT • ACCURATE • PRECISION MADE For movie titling and close-ups — Stereo close-ups — Hyper and trick stereo — Stereo photography with any camera! — Perfect parallax correction for all twin-lens reflex and movie cameras. Write for FREE details KENTECH, P.O. Box 24152, Los Angeles 24, California TITLES THe *U* »tfUU TITLES' YOUR (HOKE 25'EA. 8mm. 16mm. Postcard Brings FREE CATALOG I 7Vt As You Wont Th TO-ORD u Want The, Cine-Craft LOS ANGELES 48.CAI 3 MAKE MONEY 90 WAYS IN «**t% PHOTOGRAPHY Famous, low-cost method trains you quickly at home — for steady sparetime earning or profitable career in still and motion picture photography. Big FREE illustrated book gives full details. Also Resident Courses. G.I. Approved. Write TODAY. 45th Year. New York Institute of Photography Dept. 114 10 West 33 St. New York 1, N. Y. CAMERMAN • Continued from Page 437 So, I queried NBC Television for assignments in Brazil. I got a nice letter back from Len Allen, who is head of the television newsreel film section. It was understanding, friendly and sympathetic and surprisingly enough, he thought maybe I could do something for them now and then and would even get paid for it. The first assignment he gave me was on Patrick O'Brien, the Shanghai waterfront character who got on a French liner to go to Brazil and when he got here the Brazilian government said he didn't have a good reputation and they wouldn't let him land. He tripped back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean on the French liner until finally the Dominican Republic said they'd take him in. He landed at Rio de Janeiro to take a plane out and I latched on to him. Also his beautiful, blonde haired, blue-eyed 26-year-old ex-wife who lives here. But then I didn't know what to do with them. Finally I took them up to the top of Corcovado, the mountain with the 250-foot high statue of Christ spreading his arms out in blessing over the city, just like any other tourist. \^ e fooled around up there and I got some footage. I knownow that I handled the assignment like the cub reporter sent to cover a wedding and who returned to tell the city editor there wasn't any story because the wedding didn't take place because the church burned down. I think I could do a better job if I had another chance now. But after all it was my first assignment, and I was scared. I was and still am an amateur. I lose confidence in myself on every assignment. I also had acquired a tape recorder, so I taped an interview with O'Brien. I shipped out the film and when a letter came back from Len Allen at NBC I was afraid to open it for hours. I let it lay in the middle of my desk blotter until finally my secretary couldn't stand it any longer. "Oh for heaven's sake open it and let's find out before I go crazy waiting." I picked it up fearfully. I just knew it was going to say, "Sorry, you just haven't got it in you." But no. Instead Len Allen's letter told me that I was going to get a check for $72 for the footage used and that the tape recording I made had been used on a network show and I would receive an additional $50 for that. So I was in. Since then I've done quite a bit for NBC and also for Fox Movietone News. When four ladies of the American Federation of Women's Clubs came to Brazil to find out why the price of coffee was going up I accom panied them on a five day tour of coffee plantations for Movietone News. NBC had a staff cameraman visiting Brazil at the time, which left me freelancing. Then, when things got a little hot for President Getulio Vargas, I went him to the steel mill city of Volta Redonda, where he appealed to his friends, the workers, to back him up. I shot quite a bit of useable footage there for NBC. There have been other assignments, too, and I am looking forward with great eagerness to a long and profitable career as an American television newsreel cameraman who got his start because a movie camera is the onlykind of a camera he can take good pictures with. HOLLYWOOD PROS • Continued from Page 428 about a modern Cinderella adds up to a bright and buoyant entertainment package that bristles with good acting, good fun and good production. For our money it is the year's best romantic comedy with Bogart. Hepburn and \^ illiam Holden in the starring roles. Miss Hepburn plays the daughter of a chauffeur employed by the wealthy Larrabee familv. Bogart is the oldest son, and Holden the youngest. W hen Holden falls in love with Miss Hepburn, Bogart intervenes to save the family from scandal. However in the process of saving the family name, he falls in love himself, captivated by the pixie-like doll. The film ends with a riotous finale and the best man gets the girl. Miss Hepburn is a phenomena in Hollywood in that she has an un-Hollywoodish kind of beauty and charm. She does not wiggle, engage in night club brawls, or pilot a white Jaguar with ermine upholstering. She is a lady, a fine actress and a charming woman — and as far as this reviewer is concerned the ultimate in feminine charm and grace. The photography is just a little too perfect for us, and while Charles Lang turns in an excellent job, the film did not have the photographic nuances which are characteristic of Lang's work. Arthur Schmidt has never done a better editing job — and all in all "Sabrina" is an excellent picture, full of fun and a smash ending. 438