Home Movies (1954)

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undertaking, it is hoped that in future festivals more attention will be given to screening of really representative new works in the tradition of the "film of tomorrow"'! CUSTOMERS • Continued from Page 466 The above are only seven basic types of film which can be sold in any community providing the producer plans a selling campaign first. But he will remember that he must create a need. propose a sensible workable plan and then estimate his costs so that a decent profit can be shown when the films are completed. And with audiences already conditioned by thirty years of motion pictures plus the vast influence of television — it should be a simple matter to sell manufacturers and civic leaders on the visual form of presentation and the impact of motion pictures. HAWAII . . . • Continued from Page 465 than 200 TV commercials, industrial films, documentaries, and advertising films. For 75 weeks, he presented a "'Hawaiian Newsreel" on KGMB-TV, I every Sunday ) which dealt with newsworthy events on the Islands; then he produced a show called "Hawaiian Picture", in conjunction with a TV show called "Science in Action" — this ran for 39 weeks all told. George Vanderbilt. vice-president of Rainbow Island Productions moderated the show which dealth with the unwritten history of Hawaii before the coming of the white man. Vanderbilt. i yes, it's the Vanderbilt ) conducted all his own research and gathered much of the material from the archives of the British Museum. A unique angle about the program was that it was, first of all, related to the actual unwritten history of Hawaii; but in addition, it also took the viewer on extensive field trips to ancient archeological sites, where a field team from the Bishop Museum could be seen at work uncovering new finds in their efforts to untangle the Polynesian puzzle. But this series did not merely appear out of thin air. George Vanderbilt, founder of the Vanderbilt Foundation at Stanford University is extremely interested in education; Smouse is chairman of Photographic Research for the Vanderbilt Foundation and adding these two facts together we find the reason for the "Science in Action" series. Right now. Smouse is winding up a series of 26 programs called "Life of the Land", a documentary report of life in Hawaii. It looks as if this is YOURS FREE! this handy Projector Service Kit... & 4 59^ FREE! Kit Contains: • Camel's Hair Brush Bit • Slot-head Screwdriver Bit • Phillips-head Screwdriver Bit • Sturdy, Interchangeable Chuck Handle Stores Bits ...when you buy a Sylvania Projection Lamp Here's an easy-to-use kit that keeps the proper tools for servicing your equipment right at your ringer tips. Helps keep your projector in A-l operating condition for brighter, sharper, more life-like screenings. It's a full 59(! value, and worth every penny of it, but it's yours absolutely free when you buy a Sylvania Projection Lamp. So order a color-corrected Sylvania Projection Lamp for each of your projectors today, and get your Projector Service Kits FREE from your Sylvania dealer. But act fast! Supplies are limited. There is a complete line of Sylvania lamps in all sizes and wattages for all standard projectors. SYLVANIA — "The Projection Lamp with the Shock Absorber" SYLVANIA Sylvania Electric Products Inc. J^ff 1740 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. In Canada: Sylvania Electric (Canada) Ltd. University Tower Bldg., St. Catherine St., Montreal, P. Q. LIGHTING • RADIO • ELECTRONICS • TELEVISION VARIABLE SPEED MOTOR 110 VOLT AC/DC TACHOMETER for EK CINE SPECIAL Motor drive your Cine Special with confidence! Tachometer is mounted in clear view of operator. Calibrated from U to 64 frames per second. Definite RED marking for 24 fps. Electrical governor adjusts speeds. Steady operation at all speeds. No adapters needed. Motor coupling attaches to camera and couples to motor. Spring steel drive arm shears if film jam occurs. Easily replaced. SPLICES NOT HOLDING? Try Jefrona all-purpose cement. Send for FREE sample. 'RANK C. ZUCKER (7fllll€Rfl €0UIPITl€nT (5. WRITE DEPT. H-12-14 475