Home Movies (1954)

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BARGAIN ADVERTISING FOR NON-COMMERCIAL READERS Swap & Shop Victor 16mm Model V camera — 1" fl.5 Hugo Meyer, 15mm f2.8 & 4" f4.5 Wollensak lenses. $225.00 or best offer. W. Tillinghast, 150 Ann Mary Brown Drive, Providence 5, R.I. Wanted — Junk or used Wilcox — Gay tape recorder. F. Barnett, 306 Smith Ave., E. Alton, III. 8mm Ampro turret magazine like new, two lenses F1.9 and F3.5, case cost $230, sell $115. A. Lichtenthal, 238 Main St., Buffalo 2, N.Y. Calvin Magnetic Smm Projector $285, Ampro 16mm Sof Projector $150. Free trial, will trade. Rene Quihillat, 1244 Russell St., Berkeley 2, Calif. Bolex H-16 Deluxe, with eye level focus, Octometer view finder, sound sprockets and turret lever. 1" fl.5, WA f2.8, 3" f2.8 all KERN lenses. Excellent condition $360.00. Want H-8 box. Pat Martines, 133 Cutter Mill Rd., Great Neck, Long Island, New York. Nizo Heliomatic 8mm with 1.5 and 2.8 telephoto. Bell & Howell Regent Projector, Craig foldaway Editor, like new $410. J. Lum, 1358 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, California. Sell or Swap — 16mm Sound printer, Superior deluxe model. Excellent condition. Also have Polaroid back for 4x5 Graphic Camera and 35mm Kodak Enlorger. Write to R. A. Dechene, P. O. Box 188, Albany, New York. just a forerunner of things to come for Rainbow Island Productions, because Vanderbilt, who is intensely interested in icthyology and is conducting an extensive research program in the entime Pacific area, is certain to provoke yet another series on this subject. But all these activities are just part of the work done by Rainbow Island Productions and Rainbow Island Sound Services. Last month Smouse and Pitstick got a Hollywood contract to film a widescreen feature for national release this year. The picture was shot in 16mm and blown up to 35mm. Commercial Kodachrome was used for this production, and it was directed by Hope Hampton, starring Wayne Morris and Dorothy Patrick. Smouse and Pitstick were able to provide all the equipment, with the aid of technicians from I.A.T.S.E. Local No. 655, plus their own men who are also members of the local. "This one was rough, but it was a great challenge," said Smouse. "We shot dialog sequences for three days on a 55 foot schooner twenty miles off the Kona coast, (170 miles from Honolulu) — and all this with the boat rocking and pitching in heavy seas." He went on to say that many visiting producers from the mainland are pleasantly surprised that they can operate on a "tax-free" basis. While he did not enlarge upon this, it seems certain that it applies only to visiting producers and not to those who operate from the Islands. Dick Pitstick, president of RainbowIsland Sound Service, is an intense young man who has built all his own sound equipment and handles it with loving care. He works closely with Smout. but also handles his own sound assignments. We watched him operate in Honolulu, while both were shooting some 20-second commercials for a beer outfit, I see illustration, title page). "The track for the Hollywood epic mentioned previously was edge-recorded on 16mm magnetic film at 36 foot per minute, and the quality was so good that it was transferred to 35mm at 90 foot per minute. This amounts to a vast saving since the whole thing was shot and recorded on 16mm," said Pitstick. He also worked on another Hollywood film, the "Sea Chase", made by Warner Brothers, and starring Lana Turner and John Wayne. Add to this his work on many TV commercials, (made with single system Auricon Cameras I and it indicates that Pitstick is a very busy guy indeed. But the most interesting piece of equipment is his sound truck which he uses for all his assignments. He also / v Here's a new plan to benefit Home Movies and Pro Cine Photographer readers. It's the unique person-to-person Buy, Swap & Shop classified advertising plan available only to noncommercial advertisers. Here's How It Works: There are many readers who have something to sell — ■ or buy — or swap. It might be a used lens camera, tripod, or any other camera equipment. But the cost of advertising their wants has been altogether too high in an international magazine such as Home Movies and Pro Cine Photographer. So, why not make an unheard of low rate, for the benefit of our best friends — you the reader? You can get your message before thousands of interested readers — people who scan every line of the classified section because they are looking for equipment which they want Right Now. You can run your message once, twice, or as many times as you wish. Price is only $.50 cents per line per month — half the price of regular classified rates. Just fill out coupon below with your ad, and mail cash with order. Copy arriving in our Hollywood office postadated not later than the 16th of each month will be included in the current issue. Copy arriving later will be held for the next issue. Home Movies Person-to-Person Want Ads 1 Line — 1 Month — $ .50 2 Lines — 1 Month — $1.00 3 Lines — 1 Month — $1.50 4 Lines — 1 Month — $2.00 CASH RATE — Enclose Cash, Check, or Money Order With Ad. MMMUMMMMBI MMMMMMMIIl I > 1 1 ■ I ■ 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1 1 1 > ■ ■ > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil llirn 111 1 1 ■ 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nil ml— I— millllimilHIWIIWWI FROM: Name □ SWAP ADDRESS: . □ SELL (Circle) CITY STATE □ BUY Address All Ads to: SWAP & SHOP, 6327 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood 38, California 476