How to add sound to amateur films (1954)

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original recording, however, and can hear the join passing the playback head. Also it may produce speed irregularities, or wow, later in the reel. A break in magnetic tape can be repaired beyond audible detection. You have only to butt the torn ends together carefully and apply a piece of self-adhesive tape diagonally across the back. Trim off the surplus self-adhesive tape, and the recording can be played without any evidence of the patch. When you want to cut and join two pieces of tape, cut the end diagonally. This ensures a smooth passage through the recorder and a good transition from one recording to the other. If you intend making a recording after splicing the tape, it is a good plan to make a lap joint with splicing cement. This is suitable only for plastic tape. Carefully made, the Broken magnetic tape is readily and neatly repaired with cellulose adhesive tape. Lay one end of the broken tape obliquely on the adhesive tape (top) with the base (shiny) side down. Carefully butt and align the other end (centre) before pressing it on to the cellulose tape. Trim off the surplus mending tape so that the repair is distinguishable only by the patch on the shiny side (bottom). 72