How to add sound to amateur films (1954)

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warms up. Also the speed changes slightly whenever a splice passes through the gate. You must therefore readjust the speed at frequent intervals and you get little opportunity to enjoy your own films. A synchronous motor keeps the speed constant. But it must drive your projector through gearing: a belt drive always slips to a slight extent. It is not a simple matter to replace your projector motor by one of the synchronous type. A better plan is to control the projector speed from the recorder. Synchronisation from the Capstan The capstan of a magnetic recorder should run at a steady speed. If it does not, the pitch of the reproduced sounds will fluctuate or wow in a manner disastrous to music. On the other hand, the capstan speed is seldom constant. In a tape recorder, it depends not only on the mains voltage and frequency, but also on the tape tension at the feed and take-up reels. As the spool diameters change, so do these tensions. Consequently there is a gradual change in capstan speed throughout a reel. This does not usually matter provided the same thing happens each time you use the tape. But if you add some tape to the reel, or remove some from it, you will alter the tensions and thus the capstan speed at a given part of the tape. Used in the same way as the others, these patterns give (A) 48, 44 and 40 bars ; (B) 24, 22, and 20 bars; and (C) 12, II and 10 bars. The three sets of patterns therefore enable you to produce a stroboscope with any number of bars from 10 to 76, inclusive. 91