How to add sound to amateur films (1954)

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dub discs at much lower fees. Full details may be obtained from The Honorary Secretary, Institute of Amateur Cinematographers, 8 West Street, Epsom, Surrey. Briefly, the advantages of the Institute's scheme are as follows : 1. By quoting I.A.C. membership, or by producing your I.A.C. Blue Book, you can purchase outright the special discs normally sold only to the cinema trade. These discs cost from 5s. to about 9s. 6d. according to running time. 2. Through the I.A.C. you can obtain permission to dub these discs at the following rates : 5s. per title per 10-inch record side. 7s. 6d. per title per 12-inch record side. These arrangements apply only to records published by the following organisations : E.M.I. Special Recording Dept., Abbey Road, London, N.W.8. Francis, Day and Hunter, Ltd., 16 Soho Square, London, W.C.2. Bosworth and Company, Ltd., 14-18 Heddon Street, Regent Street, London, W.l. W. Paxton and Company, Ltd., 36-38 Dean Street, London, W.l. 141