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DUPE NEGATIVE. A picture negative prepared from a positive picture original and used for the production of married prints ... 61
EDGE NUMBERING. Numbers printed at every foot along the edge of negative film to facilitate cutting of the negative to match the edited work print 57
EFFECTS RECORDS. Records of sounds other than speech or music 123
ERASE HEAD. A magnet or electro-magnet used to remove the variations in magnetisation representing sound recorded on magnetic tape, wire or stripe 66
GATE MASK. The aperture in the gate channel of a projector defining the area of film projected on the screen 103
GOVERNED MOTOR. A motor which runs at a speed determined by a mechanical governor 23
HALF-TRACK. A 50-mil width of magnetic coating applied to 16-mm. sound-film to cover only half of the optical sound track. Optical and magnetic sound tracks can thus be used alternatively ... 104
HUM. An unwanted, low musical note produced when the mains supply frequency enters the amplifier used for recording or reproduction II
INCHING. Movement of film or tape an inch or two at a time, usually by manual operation of the apparatus 78
INDUCTION MOTOR. An electric motor which runs at a speed largely but not entirely, determined by the mains supply frequency ... 23
INPUT. Electrical impulses supplied to apparatus 13
LEVEL SYNCH(RONISATION). The placing of sync, marks so that the record of a sound appears immediately opposite the corresponding picture. (As opposed to Printing Sync, q.v.) 60
LIGHT VALVE. A device for converting electrical impulses into corresponding fluctuations of a beam of light 43
LIP-SYNCHRONISATION. The synchronisation of sound within a small fraction of a second so that speech can be reproduced in synchronism with an actor's lip movements 129
MAGNETIC RECORDING. Sound recorded as variations in magnetisation of particles in a coating on film or tape or in a wire ... 40
MARRIED PRINT. Single film on to which optical sound and picture records have been combined 55
MASTER RECORDING. A complete sound record, usually made on magnetic tape, from which the final optica! or disc recording is later prepared 54
MICROPHONE HOWL. The noise produced when a microphone is too near the associated loudspeaker 81
MIXING. The combination of sounds or recordings electrically so that they can be reproduced simultaneously 18
MONITOR SPEAKER. A loudspeaker indicating the volume and balance of sound being recorded or reproduced in another room ... 145