A hundred million movie-goers must be right... (1938)

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say, dawdling and dalliance with camera is so infrequent that this writer in scanning hundreds of the better pictures has found few instances where production actually obtruded. In this matter of keeping production values in their proper place or in the background where they belong, passively aiding and hindering furtherance, directors and lens artists deserve a few salvos of applause. Particularly when one considers their temptations, the choicest and rarest of properties, ancient and modern, on requisition ; the world's finest technicians in design, construction and painting, composing and fabricating their camera dishes. Hokum Obtrudes What is hokum? Here is a definition from the dictionary : "Any word, act, business, or property, used by an actor, that succeeds in arousing the approval or provoking the laughter of an audience. " In other words, anything that can produce a definitely favorable, a sympathetic or pleasant reaction, emotion, feeling, desire or consciousness in an audience is hokum. Here are a few samples : A broad distinction may be drawn between romance for the lustier reasons and wrooing for marriage, or home-making, but any quibbling outside of that is pure blarney. Romance in entertainment is the male and female get-together with whatever sex implications the author, director or actor gives it, or the Hays' code allows. Despite religious theories, racial ideas and moral ak titudes on the subject, sex is as positive or negative and attracts or repels as definitely as the opposite poles of an electric magnet, and is at the same time quite as obvious and baffling in its phenomena, a living, pulsating paradox, yet sensed exactly for what it is by everybody. Be it slick or awkward, timid or bold, gentle or hearty, young or old, triangled, quadrangled or octangled; call it pristine bundling or goona-goona, sex in entertainment is the most powerful stimulant to imagination, desire, feeling and emotion known, and in the final analysis the appeal inherent in the pursuit of 161