Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1948)

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RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION ritl»— Rionloj TIM Cut Dlttlli III. «t. Command Decision Gable-Pidseon 4-26 Sun in the IVIorning. The (T) IVIacOonald-Nolan ...5-10 Words and Music (T) GarlandRooney 4-26 (all star) 1947-48 Alias The Gentleman (74) Beery-Patrick 5-13... Mar. B. F'l Oaoghtar Stanwyek-Hellin 8-6... Apr.. Big City. The (103) O'Brien-IVIurthy .... 10-27 . June. (ride Goes Wild, The (98) johnson-Allyson 7-7... Mar. Details under title: VIrtious Cass Tlmbcrlane (119) Traey-Tarner 5-18 Jan. Bate With Judy, A Beery-Powell 1-5... July.. Easter Parade Astaire-Garland 12-8. . .July. . Cone With the Wind (T) Gable-Leigh Reissue ... Feb . fiaod News (T) (95) 3-31 De«. Ctmi Oalphli Strttt Turner-Hcflin 9-30... Nov. Detain antfer titia: Tlit ^ariMMl TMak High Wall, The Taylar-Totter 7^7 Feb. Homecoming (113) Gab'e-Turner 9-15... May. If Wlater Comet (97) Pldgesn-Kerr 6-9 Jan. Jalia Miibahavei Garson-Pidgeon 1-19... Aug.. Killer McCoy (103) Rooney-E. Taylor . . .6-23. . . . De<. Lixary Liner (T) Brent-Ciltord 9-1 Klulof Bandit, Tha (T) Sinatra-Grayien 5-26 Master of Lawle Gwenn-Leigh 9-29 Details under title: Hllli af Homa •■ An Island With Yaa Williams-Lawford . . .6-23. . . Jjna. . Pirate. The (T) (102) Garland-Kelly 3-3 Starch. The (105) Clift-MacMahon Mm at Laie. A (119) Hepbarn-Henreid ...11-25 Ott. •MaMT RalKty Rooney-OeHavcn 7-8... Apr. Soothern Yankee Skelton-Dahl 2-2... Aag. State Of The Union (120) Tracy-Hepborn 10-13... Apr. Three Musketeers (T) Torner-Kclly 2-16 T«Mti A«eno« Aujel (76) O'Brien-Morphy 4-1... Feb Tklt Tine far Keeps (T) (105) Wiillamt-M^alilor . ..8-6 Nai. Tftrtt Daring Daaghtert (T) (115) MaeOonald-ltarbl . .11-25. .. Mar. Datalls ander titl*: Tha BMt and tha Seas . .818. . .2-16 .820 3-29 . .819. . .3-15 . .8U. .11-10 .3000 . .810. .18-22 . .811 .815 .826 ..814....1-S .809. 10-27 4-12 4-12 .804. . . .8-4 .821 .824... 3-29 .816. . l-U 808. .10-13 .817. . .2-16 MONOGRAM 1947-48 Features Westerns Completed (22) Completed (10) In Production (2) In Production (0) NEW PRODUCTK>NS MANHATTAN FOLKSONG Musical — Started May 10 Cast: Freddie Stewart, Phil Brito, June Preisser, Noel Neill, Alan Hale Jr., Chick Chandler, Helen Woodford, George Beatty, Gertrude Astor, Roy Avera. Director: Will Jason Producer: Will Jason story: Songwriting brothers are rivals in their work and their romance but, finally, peace is restored by their mother. KIDNAPPED Adventure — Started May 10 Cast: Roddy MacDowall, Dan O'Herlihy, Sue England, Jimmy Dodd, Alex Gerry, Erskine Sanford. Director: William Beaudine Producer: Lindsley Parsons Story: The old Robert Louis Stevenson classic set to film again. RIIBASE CHART COMPLETED 1947-4S Title— Rannlng Tine Cast Angels' Alley (67) Gorcey-Gray ... Released originally ander title: When Strangers Marry ••trayed (66) MlteAum-Hiater Dataih .11-24. Rel. .3-21. .Raltsga. .12-27. No. Rtv. .4706 .12-8. . 11-24 . . .9-15. Back Trail Brown-Hatton Canpas Sleath StewartPreisser Crossed Trails (53) Brown-Hatton ■oats of New Brieani (70) Winters-Ycung Flflklln« Mad (75) Errol-Klrt«a«d Details ander title: A Patooka Namad Joe French Leave (64) Caoper-Caagan Detftilt ander tltla: Kllroy On Detk Frontier Agent (56) Brown-Hatten HiBh TIda (72) Castle-Knox 2-16. I Wouldn't Be In Yoor ShOM Castle-Knox 2-16. Jlggs and Maggie In Society (66) Yale-Rlano 9-29. .4-18. .4-11. . .4-4. . .2-7. .4755. .4709. 2-2. . .4-25. Jinx Money (68) Goreey-Caldwell Loalslana (85) Davis-Lindsay Michael O'Halloran Roberts-Beckett Mystery of The Golden Eye Winters-Young . Bklahama Blues WakeleyBelmont •mrland Trails (58) Brown-Belmont Partners of th« Sunset Wakely-Larson Parllaas Watan (66) Cast1e-L«ng ... Range Renegades Wakely-Holt iMky (76) «1cDowall-Barrier lot* of tha Rio Grande (60) Carroll-Msvita Saddle Serenade Wakely-Taylor Shanghai Chest, The Winters-Bast Details under title: Morder by Alphabet Sign of the Wolf (69) Whalen-Bradley inart Polities (68) Prelssar-Stewart Wig of Tha Drifter (33) Wakely-Cales . Stage Struck LongRichmond Tkantfer On the Range Brown-Hatton Triggerman Brown-Hatten ALLIED ARTISTS Babe Ruth Story, The Beodix-Trevor Dude Goes West, The Albert-Storm Details under title: The Tenderfoot Raatod. The (85) Ballta-Faster . It Hagpoia* on Finb AWMo (115) sm-DaFara P«hao4l« (84) Caaieroa-Dmms tMTt Woman (90) Bannett-Aberne Son of My Heart (89) Sandstrom-Loag DoMIt tUm tltti: Tir«|lo tyapkoar . 1-19 . . . .3-3. . .4-12. . .4-26. .1-19. , .11-24. .9-1. . .8-18. . . Reissue. .5-16. 10-11. .5-23. .1-10. . .ii'-i'. .3-28. .1-31. . 5-6. .2-14. . .6-6. . .3-7. .3-14. .4704 '. 4703. '.'.jlis .4731. .4707'. .4705 . .4710. 2-16. . . . Reissue. . . .5-2. . .4711 . . . .9-15. ..1-3. . .627. ..1.5 11-10. . .1-17. . . .686. . . . .3-15. . .6-13. . 2-2.. .3-28. . 3-29. 12-8. '.5.36!! '.'.'..8.'. .4-19. ....9-29. .z-aa.. . . .10-27. .4.30.. 7.. 2-3. ..1-31. ....4. .il-24 PARAMO U N T 1947-48 Features Completed (36) In Production (4) NEW PRODUCTIONS SPECIAL AGENT Drama — Started May 1 Cast: William Eythe, George Reeves, Laura Elliot, Carol Mathews, Paul Valentine. Director: William Thomas Producer: Pine-Thomas story: Train robbery and murder gives bored railroad agent the chase of his life. RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION Tltla — Banning Time Cast Dark Circle IMillard Tctte. Sorrowful Jones Hope-Ball .... The Accused You. g-(;tframings . .5-10. . . .A-26. . . 4-26. 1947-48 COMPLETED . .3-3. .9-29. .3-17. .5-26. .9-29. .6-24. AJborquertiee (C) (90) Scott-Brittoa ... Beyend Glory (82) Ladd-Reed Details under title: The Long, Grey Line Big Clock, The (95) IKIIIand-O'SDilivan Big Town Afier Dark (70) Reed-Brooks .... Caged Fury (61) Denaing-Ryan CeaoectUut Yankee, A (1) Crosby-Flemino Disaster Dennlng-Marshall ...2-16. Dream Girl (86) Hutton-Carey 5-12. Emperor Waltz, The (T) (106) ...6-24. Foreign Affair, A (116) Arthur-Lund-Dietrich 12-22 Great Gatsty, The Laid-Field 3-29. Hatter's Castle (105) Mason-Kerr Foreign Hazard (95) Goddard-Carey . . .11-10 I Walk Alone (99) Laneaster-Seott ...12-23. Dolallj ai4tr tltla: Daa4l«ak Isn't It Romantic Lak:-DeWolle 3-1. Mr. Reckless (66) Eythe-Brltton 11-10. Details ander tltla: HaH To Kill My Own Trae Lo«i Doaglas-Cal*art 7-7. Now and Forever Ralns-Headrix 2-2 Details under title: Abigail, Dear Heart Hlfbt Has A Thoasand Eyoi BoblDioo-Basiall 7-7 Palafaci, Tha (T) HoraRussell 8-18 Road To Rio (100) Crosby-Hopa 1-6. Shaggy (C) (72) Joyce-Shayne Saljon (94) Ladd-Lake 12-9. 'Sainted' Sisters, The (89) Lake-Caolfield 10-27. So Evil My Love (100) Milland-Todd 5-26. Sorry, Wrong Namber Stanwyck-Lancaster ..2-2 Speed To Spare (57) Arlen-Rogers 10-27. Tatlock Millions Hendrix-Lund 4-12 UnconfBortd (T) (146) Coooer-Goddard ...8-19. Waterfront At Midnight (64) Gargan-Hughes 12-8. Whisparlng Snitli (T) Ladd-Manhall 4-28 .2-20. . . .9-3. . . .4-9. . 12-12. . . .3-5 . . . .7-2. . . 7-23 . . . .7-2. . . .8-20. .4709 2-2 .4726 .4713 2-2 .4706 .11-24 .4711. . . .3-1 4720 .4721. . .4720. . . .4724. .6-18. . 1 -28 . .1-16. .4718. . .4-26 .4/16 . .3-29 .4708. .12-22 .3-26... 4712... 3-1 . .12-25. .4707. .11-24 6-11. .4717. . .4-26 . . .3-12. 4710. . .2-16 . . .4-30. .4715. . .3-15 . 8-6. .4723 . . .5-14. .4715. . . .3-1 . .4-2. .6-25. .4705. . .9-29 .4719 Rel. RELEASE CHART — 1947-48 — REISSUE Title — Running TImo Cast Details Alias Mary Dow (66) Milland-Eilers Argentine Nightt (73) Ritz Bros. -Andrews Sis Mar. Black Cat, The (72) Ladd-Rathbona Oct. Black Friday (71) Karlofl Lagoil Oct. Botch Hinds the Baby (77) Bruce-Crawford Nov. Captive Wild Woman (60) Carradine-Ankers Apr. Drums of the Congo (61) Erwin-Monson Apr. Ex-Champ (72) MeLaglon-Brown Gbost of Frankenstein (67) Chaney-Anken Jan. Give Us Wings (62) L.T. Goys-D.E. Kids Graan Hell (87) Falrbanks-Bcanett Dee. Hellzapotipin (87) Olsen-Johnson Mar. Invisible Man. The (71) Rains-Stuart Dec. Invisible Man Returns (81) Priee-Hardwicke Dm. Lady Froai Cbeyenna (89) Young-Preston Sapt Lady 1 11 a Jam (85) DonneKnowie? Sept. Littia Tough Gay (83) L.T. Guys-D.E. Kids Mar. LIttIa Tough Gays In Soalcty (73) Little Toagta Gays Mar. Magnificent Brute (78) McLaglcn-Barnes Apr. Model Wife (78) Blondcll-Powall Mummy's Ghost (65) Cbaney-Carradine Feb. Mommy's Tomb (61) Foran-Ckaiey Feb. Pittsburgh (91) Wayni-Dletrlch-Seott Dee. Sea Spoilers (63) Wayne-Grey Apr. Sii Town (74) Bennett-Crawtor* Jan. Son of Draenia (80) Chaney-Allkrlttan Jan. Storm, Tbo (78) Blaktord-F»stor Feb. Tight Shoas (69) Crawford-Gwynna No». Wh» Tomorrow Comes (92) Donna-Boyer You're Not So Tough (71) L.T. Oayt-D.E. Kids No. . . .736. . .5013, .1129. .1046. . .1217. . .1290. . .1210. . . .926. . .1£12. . . 1095 . . .1017. . .6046. . . .623. . .1029. . .1121. . .1208. . . .917. . . .929. . . .796. . .1124. . .1344. . .124«. . .1270. . . .361. . .1266. ..1295. . . .924. . .1139. ...948. ..1063. Rev. 1947-48 Features Westerns Serials REPUBLIC Completed (22) Completed ( 9) Completed ( 3) In Production (1) In Production (0) In Production (0) MAY 24, 1948 29