Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1947)

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EXPLOITATION PICTURE. ''Calendar Giid'' Contest A Smash Ballyhoo Republic has backed a sock title with a whopping exploitation pronnotion that will guarantee exhibitors a wide pre-sold audience for "Calendar Girl". Ripe box-office returns should be in the offing for shownnen who follow through on this great stunt arranged by Steve Edwards and his Republic ad staft. The high point of the cannpaign is the contest tie-up with Brown & Bigelow, whose calendars go into nnillions of homes and offices. Here is a ballyhoo that is hard to top, one of the best in years. The full campaign is described in the honey of a press sheet prepared for the picture, but following i;; an outline of the factf; about the contest to find America's Calendar Girl: Republic and Brown & Bigelow are sponsoring it on a nation-wide basis. Republic offers $1000 in twenty cash prizes. First prize $250; two seconds of THE CONTEST $100 each; five of $50 each and twelve i)rize.s oi $25 each. Brown & Bigelow offers the winner fame. Her portrait will be painted by one of America's top-ranking calendar girl artists and used on millions of calendars. Cooperation should be sought from local newspapers and merchants. The audience can participate in the selections. 800 Brown & Bigelow calendar salesmen are out plugging the campaign from coast to coast. Theatres will select their local "Calendar Girl" through committees and/or audience participation. Photographs of local winners will be forwarded to Republic and the national contest winners will be selected by Brown & Bigelow. The deadline for local contests is August 1, 1947. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION The sweetest part of the contest campaign, we tjclR vo, i.s the opportunity to ring in the audience. The press book tells you exactly how to go about it. STAGE CONTEST FINALS PICK AUDIENCE JUDGES HAVE AUDIENCE BALLOTS After your judging committee has selected the best five or ten photo entries, invite these girls to appear on your stage for a local "finals," and let your audience choose the winner. Hero's a slant with a special twist to spur bigger grosses! Pick your local judging committee from your audience a week before the "Calendar Girl" is chosen. You can make a big night of it when you choose the judges, another when the winning girl is selected! You can vary your slant, like this: Have the ten best photos picked by your committee prominently displayed in your lobby. Provide ballots for patrons so they can vote for the girl whose photo will represent your town in the national "Calendar Girl" judging. TIE-UPS Here are several striking newspaper ads from the press sheet. Local newspapers should be a cinch to promote for a tie-up in publicizing this contest. Most editors will regard photos and stories on a stunt like this first rate copy. Photographers will be interested in joining the campaign in return for billing on the screen or in the lobby. Merchants have a chance to join this three-ring ballyhoo by having their office or factory or sales staffs choose their own "Calendar Girl". The Kenny Baker show on ABC's 175station hookup every Monday is available for tie-ups. Decca Records is cooperating to promote tie-ups with their stores, since Kenny Baker is a Decca recording artist. Use your local music shops. 20 FILM BULLETIN