Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1947)

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I BEVIEWl j 'CARNEGIE HALL' TREAT FOR CLASSICAL MUSIC LOVERS; POISON FOR OTHERS Rates * * * for class houses; weak elsewhere "Carnegie Hall" is strictly lor the lorgnette trade and classical music lovers, and it will be shunned like the plague hy the average fihiigoeis. particularly l)y action fans. It contains nearly twenty orchestral and vocal selections hy Tschaikowsky. Beethoven. Schumann, Mendelssohn,, Haydn. Delihes. Chopin, and Mozart, with a couple of l iii Pan Alle\ nundHM> thrown in for leavening. Supporting the moderately well-known film players are a dozen renowned conductors, singers and musicians, for the most part unknown to |>icture-goers. The storv is full of holes, th«' acting uninspired, photography nicdiocrj' and makcuj) inferior. Except ill highlirow communities, exhibitors will do well to give this a wide berth. From Bulletin Revipw Issue March 17 ond this one 'THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER' SPARKLING WITH HUMAN COMEDY-DRAMA Rates • • • generally Combining fine acting with an intelligent script, a brilliant production job by Dore Schary >vhich emphasizes workmanlike photography and moving musical score, and inserting the everpertinent theme of Americanism and representative democracy. RKO has rung the bell with its "The Farmer's Daushter." This delightfullv human comedy-drama is sure to score with family and class audiences alike. Grosses will be well above average evervwhere. strongest in family houses. Emphasis to the warm story of a farm girl who goes to Congress is al)ly lent by the capable talents of Loretta ^ oung. Joseph Cotten. Ethel Barrpnore. and an outstanding suppoiting cast. From Bulletin Revieic Issue March 3 Compare . . . Comparison Proves Why EXHIBITORS DEPEND ON BULLETIN Reviews