Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1947)

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My Brothir Talki to Thi (T Romance of Ro Sccirl Heart, 1 Sia of Gras) ( Show-M, Tki Sang of Loto. Soni of The T Saminar Hellda Tkli TIaa tar Kaofi (T) Till Tht Cloatfi Roll By i Tax Smart Paapla (93J . Un<traarraRt (111) Oatalli tUw titia UnDnlshet Danca, Tha Detalli an<ar titli: lallarlM Ym Wm Tkart , Lawtord-Jeflklns . . .4-1. . . lohnson-Klrkwood . . 10-1 . . . . Bet . . . . 704 . > t Johnson-Leigh . 9-30. 7-7 Colkart-PIOgton . . .6-10. . . Dee . . .709 . 12-!» Traey-Hepkaro . . .7-8. . Skelton-MtJiwall . . .3-4. . .Dec. . . .708. . .8-19 Hepkarn-Henrelcl .lJ-2t> . .Powtll-Lay Rooney-DeHaun Wlinami-Melchlar . . .8-6. . Garland-Walker . 12-24. . . Jan . . . . 710 . 11 o Ball-Hadlak . .10-1. . . Not . . . . 706 . . .6-lC Taylar-Hepkarn . . ...3-4.. . No« . . . .707. .10 14 B'Brlen-Charlna . .7-22 Sothern-Nelson .11-11. . .May . .3-17 Yearllni. Tke (T) (134) Peek-Jarman REPRINTS Boom Town (119) Gakle-Traey CaptalM CaartHtia <116) Tracy-Barthaloaew .8-20. . May. Great Waltz (T) (106i Philadelphia Story, The (110) Rape li Haatea (82) Rainer-Gravet . Hepburn Stewart-Grant . Barpnan-Moitgaaar) . .Fek '. July . . . . .Bat . . . .ios' .12-0 .9-2 MONOGRAM 1946-47 Features Westerns Completed (28) Completed (14) In Production (0) In Production (0) RELEASE CHART Tltl»— liMlPI TIPN COMPLETED Cast Detalli lol. Na. 1946-47 Bowery Buckaroo Bowery Boys 6-9 B'lngini Up Father (681 Yale-MeManas 6-24. CoJe of the Saddle (53) Prown-Hatton Oangeroas Monay (66) Toler-roanp 6-24 . Oatalli ander title: Hot Money Decoy (76) Glllla-Norrls Fall Gay (64) Pieree-Loring Flashing Guns Brown-Hatton GaRtleman Joa Palooka (72) Errol-Kirkwood Gallty. The (71) Granville-Castle CInger (67) Alkertson-Read (Mi Named Palooka, A Kirkwood-Knox Hard Bol'ed Mahoney (63) Goreey-Loring 2-3. DetaM< under title: Paplc High Conquest (79) Lee-Roland 12-23. Hioh Tide Traey-Caetle 3-31. Kilroy Was Here tooper-Coogan 3-31. Kiig of The Bandits Roland-Greene 6-9. Land of The Lawless (59) Brown-Hatton 1-20. Law Comes to Ganslght, The I.' 6) Brown-Hatton Loultiaiia Dtyls-Llnduy 3-3. 5-13 . . . .11-25. . 6-23. . . .6-10. . . .11-25. . 9 2.. 5 26. . .11-23. . . 6-28 . 1012. . 9 14 .3-15. .8-16 10 5. . .3-22. .1-4. . 8-16 . .5-10. .6-21. .604 .677. .603 .601. .11-2.613 .602 .614. .609. . .7-5. . .616. . .3-31 ..620... 5-12 '.'.(B22'.'.'.'.'.'.'. . .5-3. .5-24. .671. .672. . . .9-2. . 3-31. RIssue. 8 19 .10-14. . 8-19. .3-31. Mr He< '63) Canay-Rakkhii Newshoundi Gorcey-Hall . Octal' under title <:careheadi Queen o' the Yukon (73) Biekfo d-Rlch Rainko 0»ei Thi Rockle: (54) Wakely-Stiriinj Ridl'il ft C:ilIfornla Tr;ilt (61) Rol.ind-Loring netallt nndrr t'tlp risco and The An|cl Robin Hood of Monterey Roland Brent 5-12 Sarge Go:s To Col e.e (64) Stiwart Prelise. >| vei Stall DM 13 «har-e.¥aon ...Reissue Six-Gun Serenade (55) Wakely-White Son( ot Tht Si'rrai (5.S) Wakeiy-Carlln Song of the Wasteland (57) Wakely-Whita Details ander title: Sonf of the Saddle Song of The Winchester Wakely-Jones 7-7 Sweetheart of Sigma Ckl (76) laM»-Kno> 7-22. Suspenii (101) Bellta-Salllyan ...10-29 Detail! gnitei title: Glamoar Girl Thunderbolt (T) rocjmentary Trailing Danger (58) Erown-Hatton Trap. The (68) Tolar-Ckandler Vacation Dayi (68) Prelsser-Stewirt Violence (72) Coieman-O'Shea Vatlej ol Feai (54) Brown-Hatton Wife Waited (73) Franeli-Shayne Wolf Call (61) Carroll -Movita ALLIED ARTISTS Bbab Gold (C) Ooinn-OeMille Gangster, The SallHaB-Ballta Halted, The Belita-Foster 4-14 "1 Hapreied en Fifth Aaeiia (115) Storm-DeFore Song of My Heart Sundstrom-Lon| 2-3 Details ander title: T ajle Symphony PARAMOUNT .12-7. . . .8-9. . . .5-3. . 2-8. .1-11. . . . .8-2. . .5.17. 12-14. . . . .4-5. 12-28. . .5-31. .608. 622. .617. 683. .610. .5-12 .618. . .5 li .612 . . .684. . .4 23 .681 . .8-23. 12-21. .6-15. .606 .6 9 .4-15 .•-19.. 10-28 .12-23. .6-24. . Reissue. 12-''3 .2 17. . . .81. .3-15. 11-30. . .1-2'. . . .4-12. .2-15. .11-2. . . .6-7. . .8-1. . . .9-1. . .676 60; 611 . .615. . .4-14 .675 .605 . .619. . .5 12 .4-19. .2-17 1946-47 Features Completed (39) In Production (3) RELEASE CHART Tltlo— •mill Tim* fN PRODUCTION My Own True Love Night Has A T^ousand Eyes . . So E»il My Love COMPLETED ' •'Rtare Island (C) Albrrqoargue (C) I «gaern"e Blai* of Noon (91) Big Clock, The Big Town After Dark Cast Details Bel. 1946-47 .rou:;las-Caivert 7-7. Robinson-Russell 7-7. .Mliland-Todd 5-26. .Cal'iuun Flen ng . Scott-Brltton . ScottBritton .Ba\ter-Heiden Milland-O'Salllvan 9 30 . . . .3-3. 3-3. .11-11. .3-17. .5-2. . .4611. . .3-17 Big Towo (60) Reed-flrooke B g Town Scandal Reed-Brooks Blue Sklei (T) (107. Crosby-Astaire . . '83) Ladd-Rus;di . .. Calllornia (T) (97) Stanwyck-Mllland Croi, My Heart (83) Hutton-Tufts . . . Dotalle Mdar tmai Tm tm T* ia Tna Dangor Street (66) Lowery-Withers .. Dear Ruth (93) (,auineid-Hoiden .. Dejert Fury (T) (95) Scott Hodiali .... Details ander title: Desen Town ""am Girl Hutton-Carey . . . Easy Cone. Easy Go (77) Tufts-Fltzgeraid . Details andar tItU: Third Ataia* Emperor Walti, Tke (T) Crosby-Fontalno . . Fear in The Nipht (72) Ke!ly-York Soldea Earringa IHiliand-Dietrleh . I Co er Bl] Town (63) Reed-Brooke . . I Walk Alone Lancaster-Scott . . Detaiii under title: Deadlock Imprfecl Lady. The (97) Wrioht-Milland .. Oatillt aidet titlo: Tak* This Wamu Juagli Flight (67) Lowery-Ssvage ... ladies' ' ai (■ li Brreken Wi^lies Favorh) Priin t'l (87) Hope-Lamour .... Perfect Marriage. The (87) Young-NI.en .... He i s ot .auli .e (T) (i6) Hutton-Lunl Road To Rio Crosky-Hopo Saigon Ladd-Lake Se»en Weri Saved (73) Jennl .g-Crain ... Suddenly It Sp-in, (|«7 , MacMurray-Goddard Troukle willi Women. The (80) M lia. d-Wright Two Yeare Baforc th* Mae* (98) ad-no; I ly ... uncunquared (T) Cooper-Goddard .. Va.iety Girl (93) Halcher-Kti.ey Stranger (107) Cr.sby Cau Beid .. Wbr'e Iher«'< Life Hope-Hasso W'Ispering S.nith (T) Ladd-Marshall ... Wild Hanest ladd-Lamour .... Detaiii andci title: Tht Big Halrcat BE-ISSUES ung'e Pr nceu, The (84) i monr Mill nd Plainsmai. The (113) Cooper Arthur .12-24. . .6-23 . .8 6 . . .7-9. 12-10. . .1-8. .9-2. .9-2. .5-12. .6-24. . .4-29. .8-19. .6-10 12-23. . 6-24 . 11-26. .7-22. .1-21 . .3-18 . .1-6. .12-9. . .4-1. .318 . .C-11. . .5 1. .•-19. 11-11 .3 18. .4 1^ . .4 :8. .9-16. . . .5-23. . .4622. . . .3-3 12 27. 5 31. . .2 21 . .1-10. .4602 . . 4612 . . 4606 . .4603. .9-30 . .4-28 .12-23 .11-25 . . 6-20 . . .7-18 . 8-15 . . . .4623. .4616. . . . 3-3 . . .6-) ...37 . .4(507. .'.2-17 . .4-18. .'4621." . . .3-3 . .7-25 ." .4624. .' 3-3 . .4-25. .4610. . .3-17 ..2-7. . .4-4. . .1-24 . . . 4 . .4625. .4605. .460 .4604. . 4&15 , . . .3-3 . . 1-20 . 3-3 .11-25 6 3 !3-28 .3-21 . 6-27 . 11-22. . .4C01 . 4608 .4615. .4601. .3-3 .2-17 .. 1! . .9-2 .8 '29*.' '.Ve V ' ^•613. . .4-28 .9-1.R5-3620. .9-1.R5-3624. PRODUCERS RELEASING 1946-47 Features Westerns Completed (22) Completed ( 9) In Production (1) III Production (i) Reed-Brooks 5-26. NEW PRODUCTIONS LINDA BE GOOD Musical — Started July 8 Cast: John Hubbard, Elyse Knox, Marie Wilson, Professor Lamberti. Director: Frank McDonald Producer: Cameo Productions (Matty Kemp) story: .\ turns iiurlesque actrpss for rolor. Husband flnils out. GUN LAW V^pf.'crn — Started July 11 Cast: Lash La Rue, Al Fuzzy St. John. Jennifer Holt. Director: Ray Ta lor Producer: Jerry ThomTs story: ViKilante.<; ti-y 1. Iireal; fooi) rarl<et by stPalin;! and piyinR to poor. U. S. Marslial sottles it all by law. RELEASE CHART TItIa — RiiiIm TIma Cast Details 1946-47 Big Fl« (63) Brown-Ryan BiacV Hill' Dean-Ale 5-12 Blonde Sa.age ~)e-v."io' Fr sin ... 7-7 [order Feud (55) ' aRaa-Marlen 12-23. Born To Sr'"" '61) Details under Eafle-Llon heading Brate Man, The CS) Details andar Univerul Release Ch;irt Bury Me Oea4 Clieck Your Guns Dean-Gates ... Co.-s.can Brot: er*. The fa rban' s-Wa-wick B Whees The (67) Cardwell-Ford Orlftin' River ( ■;) Hi-^n-Ates Gai'-ou< K d W'-t ""w l!.r-Wir:-ms Chat Tovn Tentg tes '. iBu-St Ji'in . lita a hes (71) Rya^i-No-ris ... Oetai s u 'l e title: Silent Voice »'t SUter's Secret (85) Coleman R'cd International Lady trent-Ms^v . It's Mo der "^wltier-Wlialen Ki:icr at Lirne '61) Drta Is aria tille: G ngwiy lor Murder •■-•on liT) Andrews-Hall ' of the la>h '.'3 LaRiie-St. John Philo Va ee's Gamble (62) Curtis Austii 11-25. Dc alls ind r title: 1 hilo Vaace's Sreret Mission »tii'o Vaneo nei'I raan Sleuth Wright-Austin 1-6. Oetails ender tit'e "hllo Va-c No 3 Philo Vance Returns (61) Curtis-Ryan 10-14. Petals under tlti»; Philo Viince's GamM Pioneer Justice (ffi) LaRue-St. Jol:n ... 4-14. Range Bevoni) the Blue (53) Dean-Ates Ile'urn of Rln-Tln-TIn, Tka (V) Bin-Tln-Tln-WOods .9-J6 Stars Over Taaai ... Dean-'.tes 9-16 r.' q Ch ll (70) ^ustin-Joyce 2-3 Three On A Ticket (62) Beaumont-Walker .10-28. net'>l'( under title: The Corpse Cama Calllni To o-ro« You Die "re'-nrt-Ryai 5-12. "0: Manv Winners (60) Peauiiiont-Mashall .2-17. ' 0 iiblewecd Trail (57) Dean-Ates 9-2. Hn'ame' Fury (58) PendietonWhlpper We;t To riory (61) Dean-Ate> ^ Sands-Wai 8 19 .Hitton-A'a-s 1126 0 Bourne l-Danle's . . .4-14 . . . .7-7 Reis lie. . . .9-30 . . .7-22 . .4-14. . .4-28 3-3 . . 10-29 . Te ssue. . . .5-12 Ch w-Low ry 3-3 . . Reissue. Bel. N*. Rn. . .4-19. . .702. . .5-12 ..5-10.. ..752. ..5-2 . .1-12. . .705. . . .2-3 ..10-1. . .714. .11-25 . . 5-24 . . . .733 . .2-15 . .701. . . .2-3 . .10-1 . .741. .11-11 .-'-12 . . .711. . ."-26. . . .754. .6-28. . . . 704 . . .7-7 . .9-23. . .SP71. 1011 . .5-24. . . .734 . . 5-31.'. . .717. .6 23 . .3-22. . . .731 . .7-28. . . .751. .3-17 . .4-13 . . .708. .5-25 . .6-14. . . .707. .4-23 . .6-28. . . .753. . .7-7 . .6-15 . . . .74 . .3-31 .11-18. . . .743. . . 6-7 . . . .703. .6-23 . . .4-5. . . .715. .4-28 . . 5-''4'. '. .'.716.' . . " 0 .10-28. . . .742. 1? 21 . .3-22. . . SP72 . . .3-1' , 4-13. . .746. . .5-12 JULY 21, 1947 1$