Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1947)

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20th CIEHTUR Y-F03t iat6-47 Fea-tures Completed (36) In Production (5) RELEASE CHART rule — Rgnnlni Tlm< Cast Detalli Bel. IS PRODUCTION Daisy Kcnyon Crawtord-Andrews 7-7 Foxes ot Harrow. The Ha rison O Ha.a 4-28 Gentleman's Agreement peck McGuire 6-9 Green Grass of Wyoming (T) Cummirs-Coburn . . ..6-23 Niihtmare Alley 'owcr-:iondell 6-9 1946-47 Black Beaoty (74) Freeman-Denning ..12-10. Bot, Son of BaHIe <T) (103) Garner-McCallister . 7-22. Boomerang (88) Andrews-Wyatt !:-30. Bowery. The (84) Raft Beery Reissue.. Brasher Doubloon. Jn 72) Montgomery G-iid ...7-22. Captain From Castile iT Powers-Peters 12-9.. Carnival in Costa Rica (T) (95) Haymes-Holm 4-29. Claidia and David (78) McGoire-Young 3-18. Forner Amber Darnell-W:|de 11-11 . Ghost and Mrs. Ulnlr, The (104) Harrison-Tierney 12-9. Homestretch (T) (96) Wildo-O'Hara 7-C2 Miracle on 34fh Street (96) Payne-O'Hara Details inder title: BI9 Hearl I Wonder Who's Kiss ng Her Now (T) (104) !!aver-St. yens If I'm Lucky (79) Bialne-James Datills inder title: That's lor Me Invisible Wall, The Castle-Christ ne 6-9. Kiss of Deat)i Mature-Donievy 3-31. Lati George Apley, T':e (98) Coiman-Cummins ... 7-8. Home Sweet Homicide ,70) Barl-Scott 3-18 . Idargie (T) (94) Craine-Young 2-18. Meet Me at Dawn Eylhe-Ciurt Moss Rose (82) ComminsMature Mother Wore TIghti Crable-Dailey My Darling Clementine (T) (97) Fonda-uamell . Off To Buffalo (T) Guild-Daley Rajor'i Edge, The (1*6) Pjwer-Tie r ev San Demetrlo. Lo»don (76) Fitzgerald-Young . 12-9 . . .8-6. .4-2». .Sept. . . .636. . .8-19 . .July. . . .720. . . .6-9 . Feb. . .706. . . .2-3 .Oct. . . . . Feb . . . . 707 . . .2-17 . . Apr . . . .710. . .3-31 .Segt. . . .637. . . .8-5 . .iilay. . . .715. .'.5-26 . . May. . . .713. . .4-23 .June. . . .718. . , .5-12 .6-23 • bePt. . .6 Jo . .9-^ Scudda Hoo. Scudda Hey > Shocking Miss Pilgrim Th Son Valley Serenade 186 13 Roe Madeleine (95 j Three Little Cirli In Blu> Wake Up and Dream (Ti T, (T) (86> . Haver-McCallister Grable-llaymes HeniP'Pavm Ca^n y Ann be'h Haver-Montgomery .11-11 . . .4-29 . . .5-12. . . .4-15 . Foreign . . , . 3-17. . 1210 Re;> ue '-10 .ll-2fi . 11 Forrign .Apr. . .Oct. .Nov. .Ju'y. .June. Nov. Apr. .712 .640 8-5 .646. .10-dS .7n .717. . . .6-3 .643. 10-14 .7'i 11-2 .714. . .4-11 •T' (501 (D2 P.-.yne-Ha Wanted for Murder (91) Portman-Grey REISSUKS Alexander'! Ragtimi Band (106) Powcr-Faye Les Mljcrables (105) March-Laughton Stanley and LIvino ont 'ini Tracy-Greene Western Union (""5) Young-Scott SOL WURTZEL PRODUCTIONS Backlash (66) TravisRogen 9-30 Crimson Key (76) Tay'or-Dowiiiig 3-31 DangerODs Millions (69> Taylor-Drakf IS Jewels of Brandenburg (66) Travis-CheTel Roses Are R°d Eastle-Knuilsen Second Chance (62) Taylor-Currie Strange Journey (65) Kelly-Massen Details inder title: Flight To Paradise Jan Seiii Jti Oct. Dpc Nov .703 . . .1-6 .641 , .703 1 ' .639. . .91* . 64 V .644. 11-11 .Mar. . Jan . .June. .709. .704. .719. .6-23. Mar July . . :'ee , .M.y. .7-7 .711. .722. 648 .716. . .4-14 .5-27 ■ Sept. . . .Feb. . .708. . .9-16 UN'TED ARTISTS 1945-46-47 Features Completed (5.5) In Production (3) KEY TO PRODUCKUS Small (SmI); Rogers (Rgs); Vangruard (Van); Crosby (Cby); nil Boyd (BB) ; Pro.ssburser (Psb); Ripley-Monter (KM); Boppaus (Bog); Stromberg (Smg); I-evey (Lev); Cowan (Cow); Stone (Stn); Selznick (Szk); Nebenzahl (Neb); Lesser (l>e9); I-oew-Lewin (I.L) ; Eagle-Lion (GFD); Cagney (Ce\): Bronston (Brn) ; Chaplin (Chn) ; Enterprise (Ent); Hughes (Hgs); Comet (Com). NEW PRODUCTIONS UNTITLED HOPALONG CASSIDY Western — Started July 9 William Boyd, Rand Brooks, Andy Clyde. Director: George Archainbaud Producer; Lou Rachmil RELEASE CHART Cast Detalli ritl»— Dinning Tim* IN PRODUCTION Shep My I ove ColbTt-Cummings Time of Your Life, The Cagnsy-Bendix . . 1946-47 COMPLETED Abie's Irish RMt (96) rru-Chekhov Abilene T»i»li (99) Sco.t-Dvofak ... IMiMi inder tHU: AbllMi Adventures ot Don Coyote (C) (65) Mart n-Rafferty Angel On My Skoilder (102) Mun -Baxter ... ■•Ullt indar title: Me and Mr. Satan Arch at Triiapk Eergman-Boyer \tlantls Montez-Aumont ■athalir'i Daigktin, Tkt (89) Rustell-Llst . . . . Body and Soil Garfleid-Palmer Caasir and Cleopatrt (T) (126) Olivier-Leigh . . . Carnegie Hail (134) Hunt-Prince ... Chase. The (86) Cnmmlngs-Morgan Chrhtmai Eve Raft-Blondell Copacahana (92) Miranda-Marx Coward's Castle Boyd-Clyd ; . . , . hrlig , . Rafferty Olsen . . Dangerous Venture (59) Boyd-Alexander Rel. Rev. . .6-9. . .5-26. . • Cgy . .4-29. 12-27 . Cby . . .12-23 . . .8-6. .1-11. Lev . . . .1-21 .8-19. . . .511. R-C .. . .5-12 , ,1-21. . .9-20. Rgs . . . .9-30 .7-22.'. Ent . .3 3. . . . .4-1. . , . .9-6. Stn . . . .9-30 . . .1-20. Ent . . . .For. . !8-16. GFD . . . .9-2 LeB-M . .3-17 .6-24. . 11-22 Neh . . .11-11 . 12-9 . . Bgi . .12-9. , .5-36! Csi . . . . 5-26 . .6-23. . B.I. .5-27. . Ro . . . 8-5 . . .5-23 Rich . . .3-3 Disho ored Lady (85) Devil's Playground. The (62) Fabulous ioe. The f b I us Dorse, s. The (88) Fanny by GasHohl v . . . Fool's Gold (63) Fun On A Week-end (93) Oota;!< under litle: Strange Bedfellows Heaven Only Knows Henry V (T) (134) Here Comes Trouble (Clnecolor) Horpy's Holiday (60) Intrigue lohnny In the Cleudi (88) Liitle Iodine (57) Lure') Details under title: Personal Column Macomber Affair, The {S))) Details under title: The Short, Happy Lit Marauders, The Miracle Can Happen, A Mr. Ace (84) Detalli under title Mr. Ace and the Oiieen Monsieur Verdoiix (120) Details u>"'>" title: Comedy of Mnrden New Orleans (89) 0 h r Love. The (96) Outlaw. The (114) Private APairs of Bel Ami (112) Ramrod (94) Rebecca (130) Red Hcuse. The (100) l-andal in Paris. » (100) ^'n of Harold Dldc^letock, The (80) Stampede Details under title: Red Plver Stork Bites Man <:trange Woman. The (100) Sisle Steps Ont (65) Details under title: Mlsi Television U e pect-d Piiesi (67) Details under title: Whispering Walls Vendetta wv-n Killed Doc Robin? (C) Details under Misc. Independents Chart -amarr-O'Keefe . . . 5-27 . . . 5-16 . Smg Biyd-Clyde 5-27 . .11-15 . B B Abei-Grahame 8-6 Dor ey-Blair 8-5. . .2-21. Rgs Mason-Calverl For fu ro d-CIyde S.-27 . . . 1-31 . 8.B Brack n-Lane 7-8. . .5-14. Stn . .4-2^ .9-31 . 3-3 .11 11 .4-14 Ci'mmings-Donlevy 12-^3 "eb O.lvle.-. Newton For GFD ...4-29 Tracy-Lloyd 5-24 Ro Coyd-Ware 9-30. . .7-18. BB 5-12 raft Havoc 5-12 f ont omcry-Mi Is . For .. .3-15 . CFD ..12-11 Mr.rl'we Cram r .. 4-29 . . 10-11 . B.C. ...9-16 Sa ders-rall 11-11. . .7-25. Smg Peck-Beimetl 4-29... 3-21 Poj roy')-BrO)ks 4-23 '.B All Star 8-5 Eoj-Mer Paft Sidney 3-4 8-2. Bog . . .10-14 Chaplln-Raye 6-24 . Chn dtCordova-Patr'ck Stanwjck N .en Riissel -Hir on f nders Lans' ury McCreaLskFrntiine-CII ier Rob'son-McCallister 5-13 Sanders Has«o . . .10-2^ lloyd Walburn 10-1 v,'ayn 0 Sheridan .9-30. .<l-30. .10-28. . . 5-iV. . 6-20 . Relssol. .4-18 Li-v .7-11. -t T . .3-7, Low . . 5-2 Fnt .4-26. Sik . 2-7. Isr .4-28 .5-12 .4-14 . .4-1 . .3-3 ..3-3 .2-17 .4-19. Psb 8 5 . .4-4 .'ti 3-3 Hks Cooper-Roberts . Lamarr-Sanders Bruce-Caldwell . Coyd-Tate . . . . ^''George-Brooke Ohen-Jannsen . . .2-3. . .6-21. .12-24. .10-25. . .5-27. .12-13. . . .9-2. . .3-28 Co-n Smg ...11-25 R.C. ...12-9 .1-20 . .8-19 "gs .9-30 Ro . UNIViRSAl-IHTERHATIOIJAi 1 01(5-47 Features Serials Completed (34) Completed ( 0) In Production (6) In Production (0) RELEASE CHART Cati Oetalli ••I .6 23. Foreign . .8-24. .... 10-1 i 3-3 620. . .(^-21 . .12-9 Apr 612 . . .3-17 Fo elgn 4-23 4-1 Oct 601. .1"-H . Reissue. . . Mar. . .27'' 1 . 12-9 613 . . .3-3] . . .3-17 July. 9-20. .12-23. Jan . June. Title — Rinnlng Time IN PRODUCTION Bhck Bart, Hirhwayman (T) reCarlo-Dnr;ca Details under title: Adventures of El ck Bart Exile. The Fairbanks-Montz ...C-12 Imiglnat'OT Co'man-Ha si 6 23 Naked City. The Fit're a'd-Duff 7-7 Srnator Was Int'iscrcet, The Pcwrl -Raines 7-7 Tap Roots (T) Hcflin-Haywsrd 6-23 194<i-47 Brief Encounter (85) )ohn<iin Hnwar-< B-ute Force (98) Lancast r-Cly'h Buck rrivates Cone Hnme (77) Abtot ' Cnstello Captive Heart, The (86) Redgra c-Johis Dark Mirror, The (85) dc Havill indAyros Dcstry Rides Again (94) ftowart Dietric'i Egg and I, The (108) cclDert-MacM rray For The Love of Mary Durbin-Dall . . . Great Expectations (116) Mills-Hobson Foreign I Know Where I'm Golnf Hlllor-Livesy ....ForMgn I Stole a Million (78) Raft-Trevor Reissue .... Apr "II Be Your. (93) Durb'n-Drake ... Ivy (99) Fontaine-Kno*l s Johnny Frenchman (104) Rosay-Rnf Lady Surrenders A (108) Lockwnod Granger Lost Moment. The Cummings Hayward Details under title: The Lost Love Magic Bow, The (105) Grang-r-ralv rt My Heart Goes Crazy (Ti Field-Kendall Magnificent Obsession (101) Dunne-Tay'.or Magnincent Doll (94) Ro:ers NIven Michigan Kid, Thi (C) (69) Hal -Johnson ... Notorious Gentleman (108) I'arrison-P.ilmer Odd Ma-i Out (118) Mason-Ryan Foregn. 100 Men and A Girl (84) Durbin-Stolsowsk: ..Reissue. Pirates of Monterer (T) Montez-Cameron ..5-13.. Ride the Pink Horse Montgomery-Hendrix .5-26. Secret Beyond the Door Bennetf-Bedorave ..Foreign. lingapore MacMurray Gardner Slave Girl DeCarlo Brent ... Smash-Up (103) Hay*ard-Bowman Detalli inder title: Lort Takei i Holiday Something in the Wind Durbln-Dall .... Details under title: For the Love of Mary Song of Scheherazade (T) (106) DeCarlo-Donlevy Details under title: Seherezade Stairway to Heaven (T) (104) Ma'^soy-Nivcn Secret Beyond the Door Bennett-Redgravi Swell Gay (87) Tufts-Blyth .... Temptation (98) Cberon-Breit Details lader title: Belli Denni TImi Out of Mind (88) Calvtrt-Hutton They Wero SIsten (108) Mason-Calvert This HaDpy Breed (110) NewtonJohnson viollnntP! R»torn. The (Clneeolir) Ha'l-Lindsay Web. The (87) OTrien-Raines .. Details under title: Jeopardy When the Dalfons Rode (81) Scott-Francis ... Wicked Lady (97) «'ason-Lockwood Wistful Widow 0' Wa-on Gap Abbott-rosle'lo . . Years Between. The (88) RCgrave-Hobson . . .613. . .3 31 .2794. . . . . .607. . .1-20 . .616. . .6-23 Foreign 12 2 • . Foreign 6-23 . .3-31 . . Foreign . , . ForellR . . . . . Reissue. . . . . 6-24 . . . . . .4-29. . Fo e gn . . .7-7 May Nov 602. . .12-' .Mar 610. . .2 17 . Nov . . 603 11-1 1 June 617 3-3 May ?.17 . . 8-5 . , . . .6-10. . . Mar ' .' . . 609 . .'.'2-17 . . .3-17. . . .1-21. . .Mar. . . .608. . . .2-3 Foreign . . .Mar. . . .611. . , .1-6 6-24. . .Jan. . . .6C6. . 12-23 4-29. . .Dec. . . .60J. . . .1-6 10-28. . . .May. . . .614. . .3-31 Foreign . . Sept . . . 1065 . .9-16 . . Foreign . . . . GFD. . .4-11 7-22 july. . . .618 , . ,3-17. , .June. . . .615. . . . 6-9 Reissue . . .Mar. . .2792 . Foreign . . Jan. ... 605 . . 12-23 . .5-12 . Foreign 3-17 You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (73) . . F ieldsBergen Reissue. . . Apr. . .2793. .JULY 21, 1947 17