Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1947)

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. .5-24. nut Oiti Tn« Dean-AtM 9-16.. 11-18-. Step ChiW (70) Austin-Joyce 2-3 6-7-- r-Mcn O'Keete 7-21 Thf El Lobo Mystery LaRue-St. John 8-4 Thrw On A Tieket (62) Beaumont-Walker ..10-28 4-5.. Details ondK title: The Corpse Came Calling Tomtrrow Yoo Die Ireland-Ryan 5-12. Too Many Winners (60) Beaumont-Marshall .2-17. Tornado Range Dean-Holt 9-1 Timbtewied Trail (57) Dean-Ates 9-2.. 10-28.. Untamed Fury (58) Pendleton-Whipper 3-22.. West To Glory (61) Dean-Ates 4-13.. Wild Country (C) (59) Dean-Ates 1-17.. Wild West (C) (73) Dean-Ates 5-27 ... 12-1 . . Oetalli inter lltit: Melody I»ii4-Ha STREAMLINED WESTERNS Code of the Plains (38) Frontier Fighters (39) .743 .703... 6-23 .715. . .4-28 .716. .6-9 . .742. .SP72. . .746. . .744. . .706. 1223 .3-17 .5-12 . .2-3 .1-20 Raiders of Red Gap ShootlD' Irons (40) Thondergap Ootlawi ( Crabbe-S(. John . . . . 4-26. . . .761 4-26. . . .766 Crabbe-Sl. John . . . . 4-26. . . .765 4-26. . . .763 4-26. . ..764 NewhIII-O'Brien 4-26.. ..762, METRO«COLOWYN-MA 1946 47 Features 1947 48 Features Completf>d (25) Completed (3») In Production (0) In Production (3) NEW PRODUCTIONS HOMECOMING Drama — Started August 28 Cast: Clark Gable, Lana Cameron Mitchell. Director: Mervyn LeRoy story Turner, John Hodiak, Anne Baxter, Producer: Sydney Franklin A successful surgeon becomes an Army major, meets a new experience and returns homo alter the war, a changed man. Tltl»— RiDRliif Tino IN PRODUCTION RELEASE CHART Cast Liixory Liner (T) Brent-Gifford On An Island With Yog WilHams-Lawford 1946-47 Beginning Or The End (112) Barrymore-Donlevy Cockeyed Miracle, The (81) Morgan-Totter Details tnder title: Bot Not Goodbye Cynthia (98) Taylor-Murphy Details onder title: Th« Rich Full Life Dark Delusion (90) Barrymore-Bremcr Details gnder title: Cynthia's Secret Fiesta (T) (110) Williams Carroll Gallant Beu (Clnectlor) (98) Thompson-Toblai Oetalli indor titit: Star fro* Hnvoi High Barbaree (91) Johnson-Aliyson . Holiday In Mexico (T) (127) PIdgeon-Massey Hocksters, The (115) Gable-Kerr .. It Happened In Brooklyn (103) binatra-brayson llttio Mr. Ilu (92) lenKins.binoro Lidy In The Lake (103) Montgomery-Totter Living In a Big Way (104) Kelly-MtDonald Details under title: To Klii and To Keep Lo«o Laoghs at Andy Hardy (93) Roon«y-Granvllle dllghty MeGork. The (85) Beery-HacMahon My Brother Talks to Horses (93) Lawford-Jenkins No Lea»e, No Lore (117) Johnson-Klrkwood Romance of Rosy Ridge (105) Johnson-Leigh Secret Heart. The (97) ColbertPidgeon , Sea of Grass (123) Tracy-Hepburn Show-Olt, Tho (84) Skelton-Maxwell Till The Clouds Roll By (T) (135) Garland-Walker Two Smart Peopla (93) Ball-Hodlah Ohdercirrent (111) Taylor-Hepburn . Detallt tnder tItIt: Yai Wira Tkira Undercover Malsle (90) Sothern-Nelson Yearllni, The (T) (U4) Peck-Jarman . . REPRINTS Boom Town (119) Gable-Tracy Captains Coorageois (116) Tracy-Bartholomew Great Walti (T) (106) Ra;ntr-Gravet Philadelphia Story, The (110) Hepbnrn Stewart-Grant Rago In Heayen (82) BergmanMontgomery 1947-48 Alias The Gentleman Beery-Patrick 5-13. Arnelo Affair. The (87) Hodiak-Gilford 8-6. Birds and Tho Beat, Tht (T) MacDonald-ltorkl .11-29.. Cass Tlmberlane Tracy-Turner 5-12. Desire Me Garson-Hart ... 4-1.. Details ondrr title: A Woman of My Own Good News (T) 3-31. Green Dolphin Street Turner-Heflin . . . .9-30 Details onder title: The Personal Toieh If Winter Comes PIdgeon-Kerr 6-9. Killer McCoy Bt)oney-E. Taylor ...6-23. Kissing Bandit, The (T) Sinatra-Grayson 5-26. Merton of the Movies (82) Skelton.D'Brim .. 9-2 PIrato, The (T) Garland-Kelly 3-3. Song of Love, A (119) Hepborn-Henreid ...11-25. Song of The Thin Man (86) Powell-Loy 2-3. Simmer Holiday Rooney-DeHaven 7-8., Tenth Avenue Angel I'Brlin-Mgrphy 4-1.. TMi Time for Keeps (T) (120) Wllllams-Melchlor ...8-6.. Undnished Dance, The (T) (101) O'Brien-Charisso ... 7-22. Details ondor title: Bailorlna VIrtnoos Johnson-Allyson 7-7. Oetalli Rll. No. In. 7-7. 9-1 . . .6-23. ..5-27.. . .Mar 3-3 1-7. ...Oct.. . .703. . .7-22 11-25. . July. . . .726. . .5-26 . .10-28. . . June . . . .724. . .414 . .12-24 . .July . .72"'. . .fi-2i . .10-29. . . . Jan. . . .702. . .9-30 5-27. . May . . ..721. ..3-17 9-17. . .SfPt. . . .701. . . .S-'i 1-20 . . Aug . . .728. . .f-23 15-6. . . .Apr. . . .718. . . .3-3 . . . lU-zy . . . . Apr . . . .719. . .6-10 ..5-27.. . . Jan. . . .718. . . 12-9 8-6. . .June. . . .725. . . .6-9 . .5-13. . . Feb . . .5-13. . . . Jan . . . .711. .11.2S 4-1. . 11-25 . .10-1. . . .Oct. . . .704. . . .9-5 9-30. . . Aug . . .729 . . ,7-7 . . .6-10. . . . Dee . . . .709 12-9 7-8. . . . Apr. . .720 . .2-17 ....3-4.. . . Dee . . .708 8-19 . . .12-24. . . . Jan. . .710 11-2'. . . .10-1. . . Nov. . . .706. . .6-10 3-4. . . . Nov . . . .707. . 10 li 11-11 . . May. . . .752 . .3 17 8-20 . . .May. . . .717. . .12-9 .Feb. ".July. . . Oii. 9-2 .723 .765!!.. 9-2 . Sept . .803. . .2-17 Oct. . .805. . .7-21 . Oct .Sept. .804. .801. , .R-l .8-4 . Sept . .802. .8-4 I MONOGRAM 194fr47 Features Westerns Completed m) Completed (Ki) In Production CZ) 111 Production (0) NEW PRODUCTIONS A PALOOKA NAMED JOE Comedy-Drama— Started September 1 Cast: Leon Errol, Joe Kirkwood Jr., Elyse Knox, Pat Dane. Director: Reginald LeBorg .story: More trouble and fun for Fighting Producer: Hal E. Chester I'aloolia. THE OLD GRAY MARE Musical — Started September 1 Cast: June Preisscr, Freddie Stewart, Noel Neill. Producer-Director: Will Jason story: Second in the Teoli-.Vyrr musical seiii\'<. RELEASE CHART Cast Oetalli Rll. . . . .6-9. ...6-24. .'.'6-'24.'. ...5-13. . Reissue . . . .11-25. . . . .6-23. . .6-10. . . .11-25. 9-1. ,.9-2. Title — Rinning Time COMPLETED 1946-47 Bowery Buckaroo (66) Bowery Boys . Bringing Up Father (68) Yile-MeManus Code of the Saddle (53) Brown-Hatton Dangerous Money (66) Toler-Voong .. Details under title: Hot Money Decoy (76) Glllle-Norrls , Diiiinger (72) Tifrney-JeHries Fall Guy (64) Plerce-Loring Flashing Guns (59) Brown-Hatton Gentleman Joe Palooka (72) Errol-Kirliwuod Guilty. The (71) Granville-Castle Gun Talk Brown-Mclntyrc Details under title: Man from Powder River Ginger (67) Albertson-Reed Hard Boiled Mahoney (63) Gorcey-Lorlng 2-3. Details under title: Panic High Conquest (79) Lee-Roland 12-23. High Tide (70) Tracy-Castic 3-31. Kilroy Was Here (68) Ccoper-Coogan * 3-31. King of The Bandits (66) RolsnJ-Greene 6-9. Joe Palooka in the Knockout Kirkwood-Knox ....5-26. Details under title: A Guy Named Palooka Land of The Lawless (59) Brown-Hatton 1-20. Law Comes to Gunslght, Thi (56) Brown-Hatton ■,.ouisiana Davls-Llndsay 3-3. Mr. Hex (63) Goreey-Rotiblns 9-2.. Mu'iny in thf Big House (83) Bickford MacLane .Reissue. Newshounds (6S) Gorcey-Hall 3-31. Details onder title: Scareheads Prairie Express Brown-Hatton 8-4. Details under title: Dusty Trail Queen of tho Yukon (73) BIckford-Rlch ....Reissue, Quest of Willie Hunter. The Castle-Long 9-1 Rainbow Over The Rockies (54) Wakely Stirling Red Hornet. The Winter-Currie Ridin' Down The Trail Wak'ly-Joncs .. Details under title: Song of the Winchester Rldin' Down the Trail Wakely-Taylor . Details under title: Song of tho Saddio Riding the California Trail (61) Roland-Loring Details under title: Cisco and The Angel Robin Hood of Monterey (55) Roland-Brent .. Rocky McDowall. Barrier Sarge Goes To Collage (64) StewartPrelsser Silver Stallion (59) Sharpe-Ma<on SIx-Gon Serenade (55) Wakely-White . Song of The Sierras (53) Wakely-Carlin Sweetheart ol Sigma Chi (76) Reagan-Knox . Suspense (101) Bcllta-Sullivan Details under title: Glamour Girl Thunderbolt (T) (44) Documentary .. Trailing Danger (58) Brown-Hatton . Trap. The (68) Toler-Chandler , Vacation Days (68) Prelsser-Stewirl Violence (72) (X)leman-0'Shea Valley ol Fear (54) Brown-Hatton . Wife Wanted (73) Francis-Sh.iyne Wolf Call (61) Carroll-Movita ALLIED ARTISTS Black Gold (C) (92) Gangster, The No. In. .1011. ,11-23. .6-28. 10-12. , . .9-14. . .7-5. .3-15. .8-16. .10-5. , .3-22. . .625 . .604. . .12-9 . .677 . . 603 ..601.. 11-25 .3803 . .613 .673 . .602 . .614 . .1-4. . . .5-10. . .6-21. . .9-13. . .7-19. . .10-4. . .9-20. . . .5-3. . .5-24. .609 . .616. . .3-31 . .620. . .4701. . . . . 622 . . . . . 624 . . . .4702. . . .671. . .672. 5-12 .8 19 . 9-1. . . .7-7. .12-7.. . .7-5. . . 8-9. , .9-27. . . .5-3. . .2-8. . .8-23! . 8-23 . .60S. .3803. .622. . .617. .683. . ! ^685! .5-12 .10-14. . .1-11. .5-12. 8-18. . .8-2. .610. .623. .Reissue. . .8-19. . .7-22. . .10-29 . . .5-17. .12-14. . . . . .4-5. .12-28. . .12-21. . . .6-15. . .618. . .5 12 .612 ..684... 4-28 .681 .606 .699. . .4-15 7.2fi . .3-15. . . .676 ..819. .11-30. . .607 .10-28. . .1-25. . 611 .12-23. . .4-12. . . .615. . .4-14 . .2-15. . . .675 . . . 6-24 . . .11-2. . . .605 .Reissue. . . .6-7. . . .619. . .5-12 QuInn-DeMille . .12-''3, . .8-1. . . . . Sullivan-Belita . . .2-17. .11-22. . . . . .3. Bel itaFoster . . . . . .4-14. . . .5. .'.4'-i9. . . . . .1. Sundstrom-Lonn .7-21 .2-17 Details under title: Tragic Symphony PAR AMOU l»46-47 Features li)47-48 Features Completed (34) Completed (18) 111 Production (0) In Production Vi) TItl*— Rinnlni TImo RELEASE CHART Cast Ditalli 1946-47 IN PRODUCTION Foreign Affair, A Lund-Arthur 9-1. Paleface, The (T) Hope-Russell 8-18. COIUPLETED Adventure Island (C) (67) Calhoun-Fleming Blaie of Noon (91) Baxter-Holden Big Town (60) Reed-Brooke .... Bill Skies (T) (107) Croshy-Astaire . . Calcutta (83) Ladd-Russell . . California (T) (97) Stanwyck-Milland Cross My Hoart (83) Hutton-Tufts DoUlli fMir titloi Tm Boad T» Bo Tni Danger Street (66) Lowery-Wlthers Dear Ruth (93) Caulfield-Holden 9-2. Desert Fury (T) (95) Sott-Hodiak 9-2. Detallt under title: Desert Town Easy Come. Easy Go (77) Tufts-Fitrgerald ...10-29. Oetalli inder titli: Third Avenio Fear In The Night (72) KellyYork 4-29. I Cover Bi!) Town (63) Rced-Brnoke 6-10. Imperfect Lady, The (97) Wrlght-Mliiand 10-1. Dttalh III* till*: Tab Thli Woman Rol. . .9-30. .11-11. .12-24. . . .8 6 . . .7-9. .12-10. . . .1-8. 10-10. . . .5-2. . .5-23. 12-27. . .5-30. .2-21, .1-10. .4702. .4611. .4622. .4602. .4612. .4606. .4603. 8 18 .3-17 . .3-3 .9-30 . .4-28 12-23 11-25 . 6-20 . .7-18. .8-15. .4623 3-3 .4616. . . .6-0 .4617 8 1 .3-7. . .4607. . .2-17 .4-18. .7-25. .4-25. . 4621 . .4624. .4610. . 3-3 .3-3 .3-17 SEPTEMBER 15, 19 47 U