Independent Exhibitors Film Bulletin (1947)

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.8-19 . . 511 .1-21... 9-20. 7-22. .3 3. . .4-1 .1-20. . .r»r. . 6-24 . .12-9. .12-9. . .8-5. . 5-27 . .5 27. . .8-5. . . For . .5-27. . .7-8. . .9-6 .8-22 .8-16 .8-2 11-22 , .9-17 .5-30 .5-23 .5-16 H-15 .2-21 .1-31. .5-14 Ent . N*k . Stn . Ent . GFD L<B-M N«S . 8|S . Csl . Rach Smg B B Ml GFD B.B Stn 8 23. Ro 9 47 12-23 . . For .5-24 . . .7-21 . . . .8-4 . . . .9-1 . . . .9-1 .9-30. . .7-18 . . .5-12 . For . . .3-15 4-29 10-11 11-11. . .7-25 GFD R« SB *d»«n»«rn or Don Coyote (C) (65) Martln-RaRerly . *n|ol On My SlioiilOr (102) Miml-Baxter Bottlli initr titit: Mt tni Mr. Satin Aran •( TrIlMtl Btriman-Boytr . ^tlmtii Montez-Aamoni . . Baahalar*! Daaghtart, TiM (89) Rusiall-LI<;t Body and Soul (104) Garfleld-Palmer Cawtr and Claopatri (T) (12S) Ollvler-Lelih . . . Carnijlf Hall (134) Hunt-Prince ... Ckait, Till (86) Cummlngi-Morgan Chrlstnas lit Raft-Blonddl . . . Copacabana (92) Miranda-Mart . . Danparout Vinture (59) Boyd-Alexandtr . Dlshonortd Lady (85) amarr-O'Keefe . OotH'i PItytroDnd, Tht (62) Boyd-Clyde Fabulous Dorioys. Tha (88) Doriay-Blair .... FiMiy kt BiiMlht Maton CaUcrl . . Fool'i Gold (63) Boyd-Clyil( Fun On A Waek-tnd (93> Bracken-Lane ... Deta:i> andar titio: Str;in«a Badfollows Hal Roach Comedy Carnival (112) Abel-Ralferty Details under ti!l:s C Mcy (;-27) and Fabulous Joe (3-3) Heaven Only Knows (97) Cuinmings-Dnnlevy Hanry V (T) (134) Oll»lar-Mewto:i . . Kara Comai Troabla (CInecolor) Tracy-Lltyd Hopalong Cassldy Untitled No. 1 Boyd-Brooks ... Hopalong Cassldy Untitled No. 2 Boyd-Brooks Hopalong Cassldy Untitled No. 10 Boyd-Brooks ... Hopalong Cassldy Untitled No. 11 Boyd-Brooks ... Hoppy's Holiday (60) Boyd-Wara ... Intrigue RaftHavoc . . Jthnnj In Ma Claitfi (88) Montgomery-MIHi LIttIa lodlna (57) Marlrwa-Cramet . Lured (102) Sanders-Ball . . . Details under title: Personal Column Macomber Affair, Tha (89) Peek-Bennett 4-29 . .3-21 Bag Details andar title: The Short. Happy Life of Francis Macomber Marauders, Tha Boyd-Brooks 4-28 MIraela Can Happen, A All-Star 8-5 Mr. Aea (84) Raft-Sldney 3-4 8-2 Details andar title: Mr. Aea and tha Oaaan Monsieur Vardoux (120) Chaplin-Raye 6-24 . 10-47 . Chn Datilii andar titia: Comady of Mardan New Orleans (89) deCordova-Patrick Other Love, The (96) Stanwyck Njven Ogtlia. Tha (114) Riissell-Haston Private Affairs of Bal Ami (112) Senders Lansbury . .5-n.. Ramrod (94) McCrea-Lake ... 6-20.. Rakaaat (130) Fontaine-Olivlar .Raissaa.. Red Hoiio, Tha (100) Rob'son-McCallister 5-13.. laindal In Paris, A (100) Sanders-Hasso ...10-2'>.. Silent Conflict Boyd-Ciyd^ 6-23 . Details under title: Dead Don't Dream, The Mad Wednesday (80) Lloyd-Walburn . Rev. under title: Sin of Harold Diddlebock. The S'efp My Love Colb-rt-Cummlngs Stampede Wayne-O Sheridan Pet^lls oncler t't'a: Rod River Stork Bites Man (67) Tooper-Roberts 5t ange Gamble Boyd-Clyde . . <^tran»f Womsn. Th» (100) Lafflarr-San><«rs Siila Stops Out (65) Broca-Caldwell . Details ander titia: Miss Taiaalslan Time of Your Life The Cagney-Bendix . . Urt pe-t'd Guest '67) Boyd-Tate .... Details andar title: Whispering Walls Vendetta DeGeorga-Brooka Who Killed Doc Rokint (C) Olsen-Jannsen Details under Misc. Independents Chart RC ...5-12 R|i ....9-30 . .9-30 . .8-18 . . .9-2 . .3-17 .11-11 . . . . 5-2'^ .. .3-3 a-2x 9-30 .11 11 . .4-14 9-1 8 4 . .4-29 .512 CFO .12-11 RC 9-l« Smg 7-21 B.B 8*g Mar Bog ... 10-14 .9-30 10-28 .4-18 .7-11 . .3-7 . .5-2 .4-26 . .2-7 .4-19 Lav Ent Hog Lew Ent Szk Lsr Pik B.B. .4-28 .5-12 .4-14 . .4-1 . .3-3 ..3-» . .2-17 . . .M-5 .10 1. 10-47. -tg ...3-3 6-9. 9-30. Cay Hki 2-3 6-21 9-1 12-24 .10-25 . .5-2.'. .12-13 .8-13 Smg ...11-25 B.C. ...12-9 .5-26. . .9-2. .3-28 BB 1-20 . .8-19. .9 30. . . Hps Rt . UNIVERSAt-INTERNATION AL 1916-47 Features Serials Completed (42) Complete^d ( 0) In Production (1) In Prodiictinn (0) RELEASE CHART PRODUCTION Tltlt— RannlRf Time Cart BataOi Letter From An Unknown Woman Fontr.ine-Jourdan . . .9-15.. IN 1946-47 Black Bart, Hirhwayman (T) DeCarlo-Duryea .. Details under title: Adventures of BIcck Bart Black Narcissus (99) Kerr-Robson Briat Encoonter (85) Johnson-Howard .. Brute Force (98) Lancaster-Blyth Bock Privates Come Home (77) Abbott-Costello Captive Heart, The '86) Redgrave-Johns Dark Mirror, Tha (85) deHavllland-Ayres Oestry RIdas Again (94) StewartDietrich Double Life, A Colman-Hasso . . Details under title: imagination Dracula tugo^i Egi and I. The (108) Colbart-MacMurray Exile, Tha FairbanksMontez For Tha Lova of Miry Dirkin-Dall . . . . rrankenstein Karloff rri»da (97) Farrar-Johns . Cr»at Exoactations (116) Mllls-Hobson I Know Where I'M Going (91) Hiiler-Live.y . . I Stole a Million (78) Raft-Trevor . . ''11 Bf Yoan (93) Darbin-Drake . . '»y '99) Fontalne-Knowlfs Johnny Frenchman (104) Rotay-Roa Lady Sorrondefs. A (108) Lockwood-Granger Lost Moment. Tha Cammlngi-Hayward Details andar title: Tha Lost Lava Magic Bow. The (105) Granger-Caivcrt My Heart Goaa Crazy (T) Fiaid-Kendail Magnldcent Obsession (101) Danne-Taylor Ma«nlflaent Doll (94) RPgan-Nlven Michigan Kid. Thi (C) (69) Hali-Johnson Mortal Coil, The Boyer-Blyth Naked City, Tha '.Fltzgarald-Dufl Natorloos Santlamaa (108) Htrrlion Palmar . . 6-23. . . Foreign . Foreign . . .3-3. . .12-9. . . Foreign. 4-1. . . Reissue. . . 6-23. . . Reissue . . . 12-9. . . 5-12 . . . . 3-17. . . Reissue. . Foreign . Foreign . Foreign . Reissue . . "-20 . 12-23. . Foreign. . . Foreign . . .3-31. 7-21 8-24 . .10-14 . .Aug 620. . .P-23 . Apr. . . .612. . .3-17 4-2? ..Oct 601.. 10-14 .Mar. . .2791 June. .27<-8. . 613. June. . Sept July . .2 9'' .619. .3 31 . .5-1 Apr. . .2794 Jnn 607. .June. . . .616. . .1-20 .6-23 12-23 . .6-23 . Foreign. Forail* . . . Reissue. . .6-24. . 4-29. 8-4. .7-7. . Faralgp . .7-7 .May . .2795 . .Nov 602. . .12-9 .Mar 610 .2 17 .«•». , . .803. .11.11 Odd Mm Oal (118) Mason-Ryan 100 Men and A Girl (84) Dirkin-Stokowski . PIratas at Maitaraf (T) MMla-CMarM . Hide the Pink Horse (101) Montgomery-Hendrix River Lady (T) OeCarlo-Duryea ... Secret Bayon't the Door Bennett-Radgrave Senator Was indisertat, Tha ?oweM-Ralnn Singapore (79) MacM rray-fiardner S'Jve Girl (80) DeCarlo-Brent Smath-Up (103) Hayward-Bowman Batails andar titia: L(*« Ttkaa t HHI«t9 ^omfthing in the Wind (89) Ou bin-Da'l . Details andar title: For tha Lova af Mary Song af Sahaharazada (T) (106) DeCarlo-Donlavy Details andar tItIa: tOunml* Stairway to Haavon <T) (104) Massay-Niven Secret Beyond tha Daar BennettRadgravs Swell Guy (87) Tatts-Blyth Tap Roots (T) "etlin-Hayward Tawny Pinil (81) '.I les John Temptation (98) ..baron Brent Oatalls aadrr lltia: Balli Dtail TImi Oat ot Mind (88) c.aivrt-Hatton Thay Ware Slstan (108) Mason-Calvert This Hagpy Breed (110) Newton-Johnson violisatM Ratara. Tha (ClnaaaliT) Hall-Lindsay Web. The (87) O Brien-Ra n:s Details ander title: Jeepardy When the Daltont Rode (81) Scott-Francis Wicked Litfy (97 1 Mason-Lockwood Wistful Widow 0' Waoon Gap Abbott-Costello Years Between. Ttie (88) Rei'rave-Hekiai> Yoo Can't Cheat an Honest Man (73) . . . . Fleids-Bergan . Fore gn . Raistoc . . . Jana. . Miy . . 617. .2796, . . .3-3 9-15 3-17 8-5 6-10 5c t '.Aag Mar 622. 623 . 609 .8-18 7-21 .2-17 3-17 Sept 621 1-21 . . Mar. . . 608 . . . .2*3 Fareign . .Mar. . 611 . i-« . . . .6-24. . 6-23. Fore'gn 4 29. . Jan. . . .606. .12-23 9-15 .Dec . . .605. .. .1-6 10-28. Farcign . May Sett . 614, .1065 GFD . .3-31 . .9-l« . .4-14 7-22 July. . Jane . .618 3-17. . . . .615. . . .6-9 . Reissia . . Mar Forelin . . Jan . 5-12 Foreign . Reissaa. Apr. 2T92. .605. 12-23 .3-17 .2793. WARNER B R O T H E 1946 47 Features 1947 48 Features Completed (26) Completed (17) In Production (0) In Production (4) RELEASE CHART IN PRODUCTION Titia— lantlH TInN Cut ■ttalle April Showers Carson-Sothern 9-15 Christopher Blakt Smith-Oouglas 9-15 Johnny BclinJa Wyman-Ayres 9-15 To The Victor Morgan-Lindfors . 8-18 COMPLETED 1946-47 Beast witk Five Fingers, The (8S) Aida-KIng 12-10. Big SlMP, Tka (114) Bogart-Bacail 10-31. Cheyenne (100) Morgan-Wyman 4-1. Claak and Dagger (106) Catpv-Palaiar 4-1. C(> Wolf (83) . . ." Flynn-Stanwyck 5-27. Decaptien (112) Oavls-Henreid 5-13. Ever The Beginning Palmer-Wanamaker . . .6-9. Hamarasgaa (125) Crawferd-Gartald .12-24. Love and Lanm (83) Carson-Vickart 9-16. Man I Lrre, The (96) Lap Int-Alda Details tndir title: The SMitaMa Never Say Gaadkye (97) Fiynn-Parkar 8-6. Nekody Livaa Farmr (100) EtrteM-FltZfarald .9-18. Nora Prentiss (111) Sharldan-SBltk 1-21. Possessed (108) Crawford-HaBin 6-24. DctalU aNtf tiUe: Tke Sewrt Parsaed (101) Wrlght-Mltehim . 8-19. Shadow nf A Wtman (78) Kiaf-Priice 2-19. Stallion load (97) Raagin-Smith 4-15. Thai Way with Waman (84) Greenstraat-Viakan . 2-18. DetnJU iH4ar titia: A Vary Haft Hu Time, Tke Place and Tke Girl, Tka (T) 103Martan-Pal«a 4-2. Treasars of Sierra Madra Bogart-Hastan 3-31. Twe Mrs. Cannlis. The (100) Bogvt-Stanayak .. .5-14. Unfaithfol. The (109) Sheridan-Scott 12-9. Vartltt. Tka (86) Graenstraat-Lerra REISSUES Sea Hawk, The (109) Flynn-Rains Reissaa. Sea Wolf. The (87) Bokinsoa-Laplno ..Ralisaa.. King's Rew (127) Skarldan-CaniBings Raissaa. Wild Bill HIakaak Rlia* (72) Baanctt-C«fc«t ...laiaina.. 1947-48 • Dark Passage (106) Bogart-Bacall 11-25 Deep Valley :iark-Lupino 10-14. EtaaH H( ■atat JFIynn-LapIn* 11-26. Life With Father (T) (118) Dunne-Powell 4-15. My Wild Irish Rata (T) Margan-King .....10-14 Night Unta Rlfkl Liadfan-Rauan ...»-S0. Need For Each Other Reynoids-Hotton . 6-23. Details under title: Love at First Sight Romance in High C (T) Carson-Paige 6-23 Silver River Flynn-Sherldan 5-12. That Hagen Girl Reagan-Temple 6-23. Details under title: Mary Hagen Two Gays Fram Texas (T) Morfan-Cartan 3-17. Unsuspected, The (103) Rains-Cau'licid 2-3 Vein of Tke Tirtle Parker-Reagan 3-3. WmiM In White. Tke Parker-Taang 10-14 WalKowar Reynolds-Hatten 3-3. Whiplash Clark-Smith 3-31. iu<:issuES Bad Men of Missouri Morgan-Wyman Reissue Each Dawn i Die Cagney-Raft Rei.sue. . . .2-8. . . .<U. . . .1-6 . .8-31. . ..601. ..•-19 . .6-14. . .622 . .4-28 . .9-28. . ..603. . .9-U . 8-16. 625. . . .7-7 .10-28. . ..603. .10-28 . .1-25. . . .612. . . .1-6 . . .5-3. . . .620. . .3-31 . .1-11. . ..611. . . .1-6 . .11-9. . ..606. .10-28 .10-12. . . .C04. ..9-50 . .2-22. . .614. ..2-17 . .7-26. ...6-9 . . .3-8. .615. ...3-3 . .9-14.. ..•02. . . .9-* . .4-12. . . .617. . .3-31 . .3-29. . . .616. . .2-17 .12-28 . .610. .12-23 . .5-24. . . .621. . .4-14 . . .7-5 ,6-9 .11-23. . . .607. .11-11 . .4-26. . . .618 . .4-26. . . .618 . .12-7. . .60*. .12-7... .C0» .5-27. . . . 703 . .9-15 . . .9-1. . . .701. ..8-4 702. . .9-1 706 .9-23 101 10-1 FILM BULLETIN