The Independent Film Journal (1952)

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Erika Nordin, previously known as Renate Roy ("Miss Germany" in the 1952 "Miss Universe" contest), on a tour of key cities in behalf of U-I's "Abbott and Costello Go To Mars," is welcomed to Muncie, Ind. by Mayor Joseph R. Barclay (right) and Vic Sicilia, city mgr. for Y & W Mgmt. Corp. Film played at Muncie's Rivoli Theatre. CHICAGO (cont'd.) widow of Sidney Spiegel, Jr., claiming damages in excess of $2,600,000 were dis¬ missed. The conrt findings were that neither Essaness nor Silverman was gnilty of fraud or misre)>resentation in connection with dis¬ posal of their stock. CINCINNATI James W. McDonald was named gen. mgr. of Theatre Owners Corp. to sticceed Rex Carr, who will assume management of the two Indianapolis theatres he purchased. Carr resigned from the board of Variety Club and from the Heart Committee. . . . Albert Wein¬ stein and Noyes McGowan also resigned from the board of Variety. Two of the vacancies were filled by Pete Palazzo and Wm. Borack and Rube Shor replaces Rex Carr on the Heart Committee. ... Eli Kalisch, former student salesman for M-G-M in Bulfalo, N. Y., joined the company’s sales staff here to cover the Kentucky territoi-y. . . . New sales representative in the Ohio territory for National Screen is Mel Lischkoff. . . . Proceeds from the first donor luncheon given by Variety Wives will be turned over to the Hamilton County Council for Retarded Children. Mrs. Sam Weiss is pres, of the group. . . . Jack M. Onie, mgr. of the Rialto Theatre and associated with his father, Wm. Onie, circuit exhibitor, was mar¬ ried to Shirley Mae Guttman. Vance Schwmrtz had to close his Guild Theatre because of lack of proper emergency exit. It will remain closed until he complies with city regulations. Schwartz recently opened the Hyde Park Theatre, where he is showing “prestige movies.” . . . Louis Wiethe arranged to have 40 minutes of stage attrac¬ tions at his Valley Theatre, headlined by The Modernaires, in conjunction with “Destina¬ tion Gobi,” April 29-May 1, an innovation for a suburban theatre. 3-D prints of the May 15 Waleott-Marciano bout are expected here May 20. . . . “Hans Christian Andersen” opens its first suburban run at five theatres here on May 8. . . . Paramount contract clerk Betty Turner has been upped to booker. . . . The Realart combination, “Salome AVhere She Danced” and “Abbott and Co.stello in Society” is tentatively scheduled to play day and date in seven Columbus theatres starting June 14. Already set are the Avondale, Indianola and North Hi Drive-In. . . . Lev Bugie, veteran film exec, now associated with American Sign Co., returned from a W. Va. hospital to b(' treated at the Bethesda Hos])ital. Also on tlie sick list are Guy, Aurora, Ind. exhibitor, recovering from major surgeiw at Christ Hospital, and Robert Morrell, mgr. of the Twin Drive-In, Cincinnati, un¬ dergoing treatment at St. George Convales¬ cent Home in Westwood. DALLAS The recent law pas.sed by the Texas Legislatui'e, which eliminates state taxes on admis¬ sions up to 80<, also contains other reduced tax provisions. Formerly the state taxed all admissions over 50^. Tax on admissions up to OOc* is only ; over 90< is plus for each 10< or fraction over $1. Passes are not taxed. The law also contains pena'ties for failure to file reports or pay the tax. . . . Texas COMPO will condiict a statewide con¬ test in connection with the 1954 Academy Awards, says Kyle Rorex, exec. dir. It was suggested by Phil Lsley, Dallas theati'e opera¬ tor. Paul Short, div. mgr. for National Screen Service, has been authorized to create the campaig’n and contest. A contest package will be available to Southwe.stern exhibitors and also nationally for $48.50. . . . Ezell and Associates drive-in chain in Texas has or¬ dered CinemaScope for its 19 ozoners. San Antonio theatres instaling 3-D equip¬ ment include the Majestic, Josephine and Woodlawn. Theatres in Fort Worth doing likewise include the Palace, Parkway, Bowie, Ridgelea and Tower. . . . The Granada Thea¬ tre on Houston’s north side was the scene of a 5-day cooking school between 10 a.m. and noon, sponsored by Henke and Pillot, supermarket chain. . . . Several thousand postcards were sent to Picture-of-the-Month Club patrons for showing of “The Star” at Interstate’s Metro])olitan Theatre in Hous¬ ton. . . . One theatre man was chosen for a city council in the recent municipal elections in southeast Texas. He is A. O. Muske of Brook.shire, elected by a write-in vote. . . . John E. Lilly, Sulphur Springs theatre owner, died recentlv at 78. . . . Airline Drive-In, Houston, had a complete di.splay of Korean War combat clothing and equip¬ ment for promotion of “Go For Broke,” ar¬ ranged by the 442nd Infantry Battalion, with local Marinos on hand to answer (piestions. DENVER Mel Madero, formerly with Fox-Intermountain in Cheyenne, Wvo., has been named mgr. of the Athis Theas. Kar-Vue Drive-In, Brighton, Colo. . . . Frank DeVoracek was named mgr. of the Starlite Di’ive-In, Rai)id City, S. D. . . . Vacationing A1 Lawtei', Deidiam mgr., may enter a hos¬ pital for treatment. His place is being filled by Don Lai)pin. . . . M. J. Konemann is building a 450-car ozoner, to be named the Hicks on 96, at Pueblo, Colo., which he hopes to open May 28. . . . Tom Knight, owner of the Acme, Riverton, Wyo., flew another of hi« mercy flights when he j)laned into Den¬ ver with an ll-day-old boy, brought for treatment of a rare skin disease. Merrill Nygren is building a 250-car drive-in at Oshkosh, Neb. and hopes to open in May. . . . Robert and A1 Kehr, owners of the Princess and Prairie, Ogallala, Neb., are building a 350-car ozoner there. Since they own a greenhouse business, landscaping will be something special. . . . J. R. (Bob) Fran¬ cis, owner of the local newspaper at Melrose, N. M., bought the Rialto from Estell F. Stahl, who has gone to Glendale, Ariz. to live. ... A large crowd was thrilled at the screening of Warner’s “House of Wax” at the Denver. . . . J. E. (Tommy) Tompkins, Colorado Springs exhibitor, died there fol¬ lowing a long illness. DES MOINES Owne Johnson is new mgr. of the Princess in Eagle Grove, succeeding Leo Peterson, resigned. . . . Horace Spencer has taken over management of the Ritz in Chariton, suc¬ ceeding Richard Gray who resigned to enter business in Des Moines. . . . Robert Byers purchased the Osceola Theatre from V. J. Shipwu’ight. Byers is a motel owner and member of the Lyric Theatre management. The Osceola will run in conjunction with the Lyric and will operate Fri. thru Mon. . . . Lloyd Johnston of Summer was named mgr. of the new Oelwein Drive-In, set to open soon. ... A “fence” of rose bushes features the new Grinnell Drive-In, under construc¬ tion on Hyway 146 near Griiniell by George Mart. ... A “moon-glo’’ tower has been erected at the Ranch Drive-In near Ames. It will cast a blue light over the ])arking area and be kept on during shows to make entrance and exit easier. . . . Ray Miller, who operated the Lorimer Theatre for sev¬ eral years, died here at the age of 66. Musician Meredith Wilson has accepted an invite to attend the centennial celebration of his native Mason City in June. He will be honorary mayor during the week-long festivities. . . . Earl Kerr announced a new ozoner near Knoxville, which will be ready June 1. . . . Jim Travis has a new sound system in his Lakeland Drive-In north of Milford. . . . Sheldon Drive-In Theatre Corp. was dissolved and Sheldon Amuse. Co., a partnershii), has taken over operation of the Sheldon Drive-In. Officers of the new com¬ pany are R. G. Faulds, E. M. Garbett, A. E. Thiele, L. P. Gilligan, Geo. D. Bloxham, 28 THE INDEPENDENT FILM JOURNAL— MAY 2. 1953