The Independent Film Journal (1954)

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HOUSTON (cont'd.) He will be remembered as Moran of Moran and Mack, the Two Black Crows. Dick Ken¬ nedy, whom we succeeds, will announce future plans soon. . . . Pres. Louis Novy, TransTexas Theas., has assumed complete and active control since buying the stock interest of v.p. Wm. O’Donnell and Torrence Hudgins. INDIANAPOLIS Defense attorneys have moved to vacate a Federal ruling requiring Alliance Circuit and Fourth Ave. Amuse. Co. to go on trial on Aug. 11 in the government anti-trust suit, contending that the companies have already complied with government demands that joint booking be terminated. . . . Alliance’s drive-in at Frankfort, which was severely damaged by recent storm, is being repaired. KANSAS CITY H. R. Hamburg, Paramount mgr. and area chmn. for Will Rogers Memorial Hospital, appointed KMTA pres. Ed Harris and Kans.-Mo. AITO pres. Beverly Miller to serve as co-chairmen week of Aug. 25, when theatre collections will be made. . . . An openairer, patterned after an early day movie house, opened on a natural hillside near Urich, Mo. . . . L. H. Pettit reopened the Mansfield (Mo.) Theatre, closed since March. . . . Carney Theas. at Rolla, Mo. are operat¬ ing the Rollamo two days weekly for civic and non-profit groups. . . . Midcentral closed the West Theatre at Parsons, Kans., where the Parsons and Kansas are still operating. Carroll Piets, aranged for distribution through United Film Exeh. under Bob Herrell, mgr. . . . New concession equipment in¬ stalled in Sol Frank’s Rocket Drive-In, Salina; Fred Munson’s Sunset, Norton; Bob and Calvin Strowig’s Trail, Abilene, and Merl Swank’s Park at Stockton, Kans. . . . New lenses were installed at Marty Landau’s Madison (Kans.) Theatre; lenses and screen at Mrs. Lola Travis’ Plaza at Crane, Mo., and a wide screen at the Barlow, Grinnell, Kans. . . . C. C. McCallister added new seats and draperies to his Nomar at Wichita. . . . Bonnine Golden, daughter of Ed of the Golding Booking Serv., is at the Aldrich Playhouse in Cape Cod for a summer of theatrical work. At June meeting of Kans-Mo. AITO’s board of directors, Senn Lawler, gen. mgr. of Fox Midwest, urged participation in COMPO’s audience, poll campaign. . . , Ed Durwood, pres. Durwood Theas., enjoyed an open-house celebration of his 70th birthday. He has been in the industry 53 years. . . . M. B. Smith, Commonwealth’s pub. dir., spoke at the national sales meeting of Alex¬ ander Film Co. in Colo. Springs. MIAMI Mack Herbert, mgr. of the Bard in Little River, called on Sy Blum and Jack Kahn for tropical animals to use in connection with showing of “African Adventure” late in July. He also has a tieup with Fin ‘N’ Wing shop at the new Biscayne Shopping Plaza for prizes in connection with a contest on the film. . . . Marc Chartrand, who heads Wometco’s ad dept., up to Tampa for PayAs-You-See TV debate on Public Forum to be televised by WTVT. . . . Martin Mucher in Mt. Sinai Hospital at Miami Beach. . . . In high spirits after sneak preview of Universal-International's "The Private War of Major Benson" at the Golden Gate Theatre, San Francisco, are L to R: Bill Greenbaum, Film Booking Agency, Pete Vigna, Fox West Coast Theatres; Roy Cooper, Cooper Theatres; George Milner, FWC; Ted Reisch, Universal branch mgr.; Chan Carpenter, Cooper Theatres; George Archibald, Arch Theatres. Elmer Hecht, dist. mgr. for Wometco, is in Mercy Hospital. T. G. Seaborn moves over to the Nor¬ mandy from the Trial, as mgr., with Wayne Rogers taking over the Trail. . . . Sam Cicero into the Circle as asst, mgr.; James Husted moves to the Normandy in same capacity. ... Ed Rainey receive_d the Wolfson-Meyer Trophy at the fourth annual banquet of the Wometco Bowling Team. . . . Ray Frantz resigned from the Claughton Theatres to join South Eastern Airlines. MILWAUKEE R. P. Williams sold the Sun Theatre at Brodhead to Bobbie Soplien. . . . Tax liens, totaling more than $24,000, were filed in Federal Court against former operators of the Century and Atlantic theatres here. Named by the Milwaukee office of Internal Revenue were John Freuler and Mrs. Loraine Walker, both of Glencoe, Ill., and Mrs. Ger¬ trude Hammelman of Shorewood, Wis. . . . Barney Sherman sold the Fern Theatre here to Ray Johnson. . . . Robert Koebb is the new asst, booker at Allied Artists. . . . Bever¬ ly Siegal, secy, to Universal office mgr. Petterson, is engaged; also Vi Lucie, inspec¬ tress at RKO. Delft is opening a new drive-in, the Air¬ port, at Nagaunee, Mich. . . . Variety Tent No. 14 is having its Golf Outing at the Puck¬ away Country Club on Aug. 26. . . . The Lyric at Stevenspoint, operated by Gran Ents., closed for extensive remodeling, to include a new front with box office to the side, glass doors, refurbished restrooms and 550 new seats. . . . Climax Theatre here is installing CinemaScope. . . . Angelo Provinzano, chapter pres, of the Italian Civic Assn., was on hand at the annual awards dinner, when five high school graduates were hon¬ ored with scholarships. MINNEAPOLIS Peter Boosolis is new student booker at Warner Bros. . . . Marilyn Miller, daughter of branch mgr. LeRoy Miller, is the new receptionist at Universal, replacing Rose Healy. . . . Leslie Bird, mgr. of the Campus, an art house, was married to Shirley Loija in Sebeka, Minn. ... A child-size figurine of Davy Crockett, which belonged to a local clothing firm, was snatched from a display stand in the lobby of the loop Orpheum. NEW HAVEN Lockwood & Gordon’s new $200,000 Pix Drive-In at Bridgeport will have a July 20 opening, according to div. mgr. Doug Amos. It will be managed by Don McPhee, now asst, to Jack O’Sullivan at the Danbury Drive-In. . . . Bill Daugherty of L&G’s East Windsor D-I reports great success with the newly-inaugurated sale of doughnuts during late Saturday intermissions. Patrons are buying them for Sunday snacks. . . .Hart¬ ford Circuit, which recently dropped adult admission from 60 to 50^ for matinees only, extended the scale to full time at the neigh¬ borhood Lyric, Hartford. Div. mgr. Bill Powell in Hartford prepar¬ ing for Smith Mngmt’s mid-July opening of the half-million dollar Meadows Drive-In, being built by A. J. Bronstein’s North Meadows Realty Corp. ... A new Conn, cor¬ poration, Filmtronics, Inc., lists as incor¬ porators Robt. L. Perry, Wallace Abrams and Mario Romano. . . . Sperie Perakos, gen. mgr. of Perakos Theatres elected pres, of the Yale Club of New Britain. . . . Bernard Goffin is new mgr. of the Whitney Theatre, New Haven. MPTO of Conn.’s Annual Golf Tourna¬ ment will again be held at Racebrook Coun¬ try Club, Orange, Conn., on July 26. Tariff for the day, including luncheon, golf and dinner, will be $12.50 and there will be the customary abundance of prizes for golfers and non -golfers . Pine Drive-In, Water bury, shifted its schedule to screen main feature first, Sun. through Thurs. Mr. Frank McQueeney explained the move was due to popular demand. . . . Permit for construc¬ tion of a drive-in theatre, at Berlin was is¬ sued to Atty. George LeWitt, New Britian theatre owner. . . . Joe Bronstein, mgr. of E. Hartford Family Drive-In, married Mary Shovak of Hartford. NEW YORK At recent annual stoekholers meeting of Century Circuit, the following officers were elected: Bd. chmn, Harry C. Miner, Jr.; pres. Leslie R. Schwartz; 1st v.p. Samuel Goodman; 2nd v.p. Andrew A. Nelson; secy. & treas. Martin H. Newman, asst. secy. Dor¬ othy Barko. Also on the board are Miner, Schwartz, Goodman, Nelson, Newman, James P. McAllister, Fred J. Schwartz and Frank Milton. . . . Walter Reade, Jr., head of the theatre chain, became the father of a third daughter, named Wendy. After 22 years at 630 Ninth Avenue, Joe Hornstein, Inc. noved into its own three story building at 341 W. 44th St., where they will have increased facilities to handle expanding business and render improved service to customers. Cinematograph Interna¬ tional, Inc., their Export Division, will also be at this new address. . . . Funeral services were held at Riverside Memorial Chapel for Albert A. Senft, pres, of Sterling Poster & Display Co. and three-time pres, of N.Y.’s Cinema Lodge. THE INDEPENDENT FILM JOURNAL— July 9, 1955 27