In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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Harry N. Marvin, Direct Examination. 241 Mr. Grosvenor: I offer in evidence copy of * letter dated November 6th, 1908, to Mr. George Kleine. Paper marked Petitioner's Exhibit No. TO, and is as follows : Petitioners Exhibit No. 70. Mr. George Kleine, c/o. Kleine Optical Co., 52 State Street, 2 Chicago, 111. Dear Mr. Kleine: Mr. Philipp has been giving his attention to the Berst contract for the last week and we have had several protractive conferences with him. He has altered somewhat the general plan of the contract, but I think the alterations have been desirable. We have agreed upon all of the main points, but nothing in the way of closing the matter can be done until the return of Mr. Eastman, who will be away 3 until the 19th. We have every reason to expect, however, that matters can be cleared up with all parties very soon after the 19th. I fear, however, you cannot expect any more definite news until after that date. Nothing has arisen that will modify your relationship with the affair. Yours very truly, HNM/REL. Q. In Exhibit No. 70, being a letter addressed by you to George Kleine, dated November 6, 1908, you state, "Mr. Philipp lias been giving his attention to the Berst contract for the last week." By the Berst contract, you mean the license agreement subsequently entered into between Pathe Freres and the Patents Company? A. I do. Q. The Mr. Eastman referred to in the letter, is Mr. George Eastman, President of the Eastman Kodak Company? A. It is.