In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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284 William Pelzer, Direct Examination. of Mr. Kennedy were of great value to the Company, it was moved by Dr. Dyer, and duly seconded, that action on the resignation be suspended and that the chair appoint a committee to wait on Mr. Kennedy. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Dyer, Lubin and Long as the committee to wait on Mr. Kennedy, but upon the suggestion of Mr. Long, and with the approval of the Board, Mr. Kleine took the place of Mr. Long. It was moved by Mr. Dyer, seconded by Mr. Spoor, that (lie Company pay Mr. Kennedy as salary for his services during the period ending December 31, 1910, the sum of $25,000, to be paid out of the receipts for the year 1911. Carried unanimously. The Committee reported that they had been unable to communicate with Mr. Kennedy, and it was moved and duly seconded, that the Committee wait on Mr. Kennedy at his office, and that the meeting therefore adjourn until 10 A. M., March 11, 1911, at 80 Fifth Avenue. Carried. Attest : Wm. Pelzer, Secretary. President. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. These minutes contain a summary of the licensed exchanges submitted for the information of the Board and then enumerates 10 exchanges not yet acquired. Did the Film Company subsequently acquire all of those ten enumerated there, except the one first named, the Greater New York Film Rental Company? A. I think they did, as near as I can remember the names. Q. Then that summary printed on that page is a complete record of all the licensed exchanges and what was done with them? A. I could not say that. Q. Now, on the same page there is this statement: "The Treasurer submitted the following report which on motion duly seconded was accepted." That report does not appear in the minutes. Will you please produce that report? A. What date is that?