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312 William H. Swanson, Direct Examination.
there were a number of agreements entered into in the year 1909 or 1908, all agreements with Gaumont, or Gaumont's representatives? A. Yes, sir.
Mr. Grosvenor: I am through with your examination for the present Mr. Pelzer, and I ask that any cross examination of the witness (Mr. Pelzer) be deferred until the statements are presented whicli he has been requested to prepare.
Thereupon WILLIAM II. SWANSON resumed the stand for further examination.
Direct examination (continued) by Mr. Grosvenor:
Q. Mr. Swanson, George Kleine, in the year 1908, was importing a large number of foreign films, is not that correct? A. I purchased a great variety of foreign films from him.
Q. What foreign manufacture of films did you purchase from Kleine in the year 1908, what names can you remember? A. It is quite difficult for me to say what names particularly: I should say Cricks & Martin; Warwick; Gaumont; Pathe Freres and Theophelo, Pathe, Urban, and quite a number of others. I recollect that at that particular time frequently foreign manufacturers did not have any identification on their film, and it would be difficult to say who made them.
Q. That is Gaumont made it for several manufacturers? A. I would not say as to that; but it was not altogether customary at that time for manufacturers to put out film with any particular marking on the film ; it is just in recent years that I recall that such tilings as sub-titles and announcement titles have been put on any films.
Q. After the Patents Company was formed, did Kleine continue to import these different kinds of films, or only from some of the foreign makers? A. After the Patents Company was formed he only advertised and sold, so far as I know, the Urban Eclipse and the Gaumont film, but afterwards dropped the Gaumont, or they dropped him, I don't know which; and he took on what is termed Cines, making three releases a week — not more than three releases a week of combined brands that he handled.