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392 William Pelzer, Direct Examination.
say ; I don't know the size of that specific book ; I would have to look at it.
Q. Now what I want is that you bring the book or books containing those accounts, the summaries, or reports, whatever you call them, that are made up in the manner you have described, every four or five weeks, and which are based upon the forty or fifty weekly reports that come in from the exchanges— you understand what I want? A. I think I do — I think I am not sure — I would like to know if you can tell me just what you want me to bring — I might, so far as I can see, produce quite a number of books.
Q. That will be for you to determine. If there is quite a number of books, please bring them. I want the books containing those summaries made up from the weekly reports of the forty or fifty branch exchanges? A. I will do the best I can.
Q. How about those payments made to the manufacturers? Have you found out about them? A. The statements are being prepared.
Q. Can you bring those tomorrow morning, or this afternoon? A. Tomorrow morning, I think.
Q. I wish you would bring also tomorrow morning all agreements between the General Film Company and the different manufacturers which have been entered into at any time since the General Film Company commenced doing business; also, all agreements between the General Film Company and the Kinetograph Company, and all agreements between the General Film Company and the Patents Company, and in producing the latter you can act as the Treasurer of the General Film Company and as the Secretary of the Patents Company botli ; and all agreements between the Kinetograph Company and the Patents Company, and all agreements between the Patents Company and the Eastman Company? A. I believe I handed to you, Mr. Grosvenor, all agreements between the licensed manufacturers and the General Film Company, and the agreement between the General Film Company and the Motion Picture Patents Company, a year ago.
Q. Yes, I have some of those. Now, I wish you would look for others, because your answer says there are a lot of others. I wish you would produce the others, and I will have those you gave me here tomorrow morning? A. There