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In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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438 Louis Rosenbluh, Direct Examination. left to each member to set out the substance of the above, as will suit his ideas. Copies of the minimum rental schedule are enclosed. The facts contained in it may be announced to exhibitors. The contracts for members with the manufacturers and the forms of contract and bonds for members to use with customers are being prepared and will be ready next week. A statement for the exhibitors will be ready for distribution in a few days. It will review the whole situation and explain the reason for the change to be made, the entire responsibility for which is taken by the manufacturers. FILM SERVICE ASSOCIATION, By D. Maconald, Secretary. Note. — Information of a general character, and all matters needing the attention of members will be included in Bulletins issued by the Secretary, as it is impossible to address each member personally on all subjects. Kindly read all Bulletins carefully and comply with the requests contained in them at the first possible moment. Mr. Grosvenor: Bulletin No. 2, of February 24th, 1908, Paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. Mr. Caldwell: All of those bulletins are objected to upon the same grounds, and counsel states that he does not concede that Petitioner's Exhibit No. 00 is any proof that the film manufacturers were members of that association; in point of fact, he is advised that they were not. Mr. Grosvenor: The witness Swanson yesterday testified in the manner I have stated. Bulletin No. 2 of February 24th, 1009, is marked Petitioner's Exhibit No. 100.