In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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728 Louis Rosenbluh, Cross Examination. 1 any names. I want the names now. A. Every customer that we had on our books was approached. If you want me to give the complete list — Mr. Caldwell (interrupting) : I move to strike out that answer as not responsive. By Mr. Caldwell: Q. I did not ask you who was approached. But I asked you what exhibitors told you that they heard that the 2 license was going to be cancelled? A. Take Weissman of 8th Avenue and 116th Street. Q. Is he one of your customers at the present time? A. Yes, sir. Q. What is the name of his theatre? A. I don't know the name of the theatre, but I will give you the proper address if you want it for any purpose. Q. Can you name any others? A. Silverman, Far Rockaway. Q. Silverman? A. Yes. In Far Rockaway. Q. What is the name of his theatre? A. I believe it is 3 The Auditorium. I am not sure. Q. Is he still one of your customers? A. No, sir. Q. He is not? A. No, sir. Q. Do you know whether he still takes licensed service or not? A. I believe he does, of the General Film Company. And take A. Carlos. Q. What is his place? A. Savoy Theatre. Q. On 34th Street, New York? A. No, sir, he is up on Third Avenue and 162nd Street, I believe. Q. Is he still one of your customers? A. Yes, sir. Q. Is that all? A. Why, there is a number of them. 4 It is hard for me to get their names just now. If I had a list here, I could get hold of every one of them that was doing business with us at that time. Q. I am asking you about your recollection of it? A. My recollection of the names is very poor. It is not because there are not enough. Anson and Levy, Third Avenue near 14th Street. Q. What is the name of his theatre? A. Star Theatre. Q. Is he still one of your customers? A. No, sir. Take the Comet Theatre, Boston Road.