In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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750 William H. Swanson, Cross Examination. trouble with the bookkeepers? A. I had had trouble with the bookkeepers all the time. Q. Has that changed since the last hearing? A. Still have it with the bookkeepers. They are a wonderful lot of fellows. The number of customers in the Chicago office, if I remember correctly, was at the time, 480 or 490. There was so many that when I told Mr. Waters about it, he said he did not think it was possible. But I remember there were quite a number. Q. Did you say in your direct examination that you recalled thirty-three suits brought against Kleine by the Edison interests? A. Not against Kleine. No. Mr. Grosvenor: Against Kleine and his exihibitors? The Witness : Not against Kleine and his exhibitors. No, sir. Kleine was not interested in those suits at all. Q. Were you asked this question on your direct examination, at page 315 : "Q. Do you recall any suits being brought against Kleine or any of Kleine's customers in the year 1908? A. I recall about thirty. Between 30 and 33 suits, that were brought in Chicago against exhibitors that were using his goods, by representatives of the Edison interests." A. That is my answer, yes. Q. Then you do recall thirty-three suits brought against Kleine and Kleine's customers? A. Not against Kleine. Just Kleine's customers. Q. Kleine and Kleine's customers, you said? A. I beg your pardon. I did not interpret it that way. Q. At any rate, you recall thirty-three suits against his exhibitors? A. Somewhere in that neighborhood, yes. Q. You were one of the prime movers, were you not, in forming the Film Service Association? A. Yes, sir. Q. And that could only handle Edison goods? By that I mean the goods of the Edison licensees? A. No, we had no reference to what goods you would use, but to license the exchange. Q. What film could the Film Service Association members use? Give me a general term for it? A. Well, what we used to term "Association film." Q. "Association film?" A. Yes.