In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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Lewis M. Swaab, Direct Examination. 821 the Philadelphia Exchanges to meet me in your office on Tues 1 day next. Yours truly, LEWIS M. SWAAB. Mr. Grosvenor: And the letter addressed to Mr. J. A. Berst, December 23rd, 1910. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 152C. Dec. 23d, 1910 Mr. J. A. Berst, 41 W. 25th Street, New York City, N. Y. My dear Sir: — Confirming my message by letter and telegram last week I called at your office on Wednesday last and was informed that you could not be seen, having an important meeting to attend. Yesterday, I received a letter dated December 21st, (the day I called at your office), in which the Patents Co. request me to call on them on Tuesday next to show cause why my license should not be cancelled because of alleged violations of their rules. I do not know by whom I am accused nor am I concerned as to the identity of the scoundrel since there are many identified with the film business today who would not hesitate to use perjury to further their own interests. I regret that you could not see me on Wednesday and presume you will attend the meeting on Tuesday above referred to. I am in receipt of a letter from a customer in the South in which he advises me that Tom Moore, your representative I believe in Washington, D. C. reports that the General Film Co. have no intention of buying my Exchange as they intend to "freeze me out/' This is the identical report made by the former proprietors of the three Exchanges in this city. They do not know how to guard their tongues for Calehuff is said to have reported today that I have been censured by the Patents Co. and that I am to be tried by them next week. It is time that this deplorable condition of affairs should