In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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824 Lewis Ml Swaab, Direct Examination. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. Mr. Swaab, you may state whether or not you had been given any opportunity for a hearing on this question of whether you had violated the terms and conditions of your license agreement? A. I never violated the terms or conditions, and I never was given a hearing except the one I have just referred to, when the license agreement was read to me word for word, but I never had an opportunity to defend myself. Q. Did you discuss the matter with Mr. Marvin? A. T tried to. Q. Would he discuss it? A. No. He insisted upon reading that document to me. Q. Later on in January, you may state whether or not you had a visit from anybody? A. Yes, sir; I did. Q. When was that? A. On the 24th day of January. Q. 1911? A. 1911; yes, sir. Q. Please state what happened on that day? A. Four men representing the Patents Company, and four deputy sheriffs came down and took charge of my place. Put me out of business in about three hours. Q. Were some replevin suits brought against you about that time? A. Yes, sir. Ten replevin suits. Q. By whom? A. One in each of the manufacturers' names. The licensed manufacturers' names. Q. That is, Pathe, Biograph, and the others who were licensed? A. Yes, sir; ten of them. Q. Were the following the ones: The Biograph Company, Edison Mfg. Company, Essanay Film Mfg. Company, the Kalem Company, George Kleine, Lubin Mfg. Company, Melies Mfg. Company, Pathe Freres, Selig Polyscope Company and the Vitagraph Company? A. Yes, sir; those were the ones. Those are the ten. Q. You may state whether or not these sheriffs had any description of the property being taken? A. Yes, sir. Mr. Kingsley: I object to that as being a conclusion of the witness. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. How did these men take up their position in your place of business? A. One, Coffey, by name, went behind the