In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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826 Lewis M. Swaab, Direct Examination. Q. What effect did that visit have upon your business? A. Well, I could not do any business, and after they left, I had no films to supply any customers with, except a lot of old back numbers that I had purchased long before the Patents Company was in existence. Q. What became of your customers? A. They left and went to the other exchanges. The other, as we called them, "Trust Exchanges." Q. Have you brought any suits against these persons for their action on that day? A. I contested their action, yes, sir. Q. And how many suits did you bring against these ten manufacturers for their action on this day? Mr. Kingsley: Objected to on the ground that the witness had not testified that he brought any suits. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. Please answer the question. A. If you will permit me to explain in my own way, perhaps I don't understand your legal lore. They issued these ten writs of replevin against me, and I am contesting their action now. I am really the defendant in these cases. They are the plaintiffs. Q. Has one of these suits been tried? A. Yes, sir. Q. And how did the verdict come out? Mr. Kingsley: Objected to as incompetent, immaterial and irrelevant and on the ground it has not been shown there wras any verdict. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. What was the verdict, if any, rendered in that case? A. $1,800, last May. Mr. Melville : I object to that on the ground that that that is incompetent. The record of the Court is the only competent evidence of what happened in legal proceedings. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. In whose favor? A. In my favor against Lubin. Q. The verdict of the jury was $1,800? A. $1,800.