In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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900 George W. Bennethum, Direct Examination. 1 Mr. Kingsley: How did that continue? Did it increase or diminish? Mr. Swaab: It diminished. It was down to ten at one time. Mr. Kingsley: When was it down to ten? Last October? Mr. Swaab : No ; before that. Mr. KJingsley: How many were you buying last * October when you sold? Mr. Swaab: Twelve. Mr. Grosvenor: In order to save time, I suggest that we suspend with this witness, and I will get rid of another witness who wants to get out of town. (At this point the witness Swaab is withdrawn.) GEORGE W. BENNETHUM, a witness subpoenaed on behalf of the petitioner, being first duly sworn by the Examiner, testified as follows: Direct examination by Mr. Grosvenor : Q. Mr. Bennethum, where do you reside? A. Reading, Pennsylvania. Q. Were you residing there in November, 1911? A. Yes, sir. Q. You had an interest in a number of moving picture theatres at that time, did you not? A. Yes, sir. 4 Q. Please state how many theatres you owned in part or in whole, and the locations of the same. A. There were eight or nine. I am not positive whether it was eight or nine. Three of them located in Pottstown, Pennsylvania; two in Reading, Pennsylvania; and two in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and either two or three in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, at that time. Q. Were these theatres which you owned, socalled licensed theatres? A. At that time, yes, sir. Mr. Kingsley: What time was that?