In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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Government Exhibit No. 9. 931 advise you to the contrary. The exhibitor's license covers 1 all projecting machines purchased before February 1, 1909, which the exhibitor uses in the licensed theatre, and such machines continue to be covered by the license so long as the theatre uses the licensed film and pays the required fees. The exhibitor may not use any machine purchased after February 1, 1909, to show licensed film unless it bears the official license plate of the Patents Company. EXCHANGE LETTER HEAD. All licensed exchanges should arrange at once to place in a conspicuous position on their letterheads, a reference to the licensees of the Patents Company, containing substantially the following information: "This Exchange is licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Company and furnishes an exclusive licensed service, using only the films made by the following licensed manufacturers : American Mutoscope & Biograph Co., Edison Manufacturing Company, Essanay Film Manufacturing Co., Kalem Company, George Klein e, Lubin Manufacturing Co., Pathe Freres, Selig Polyscope Co., Vitagraph Company of America." RELEASE DAY. The definition of "release day" will hereafter be considered to be as follows: The release day of each film issued by the licensed manufacturers is the first day upon which the film becomes the property of the exchange, and is the first day upon which the film may be used, handled, controlled, shipped, forwarded or delivered for use by the exchange receiving it from the manufacturer. The release day begins at 8 A. M. upon the day designated by the manufacturer as the release day for each film. MOTION PICTURE PATENTS COMPANY. Mr. Grosvenor: Now, what is your pleasure in regard to Mtr. Swaab? Mr. Kixgsley: I would like a ruling from the Court as to whether Mr. Swaab is to answer that question or not. 2