In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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104:4 A. J. Clapham, Cross Examination. 1 Defendants' Exhibit No. 23. Feb. 4th, 1910. (Copy.) Mr. A. J. Clapham, Theatre Film Service Co., 76-2nd St., San Francisco, Cal. Dear Sir: We regret very much that by reason of your failure to attend the Film Service Convention we were unable to take up with you personally the matter of the sale of the film referred to in some of our past correspondence. Your letter of January 11th was duly received. The statements therein relate entirely to short-length new film, which was not the kind of film referred to in ours of January 5th. Our information is very definite on the point that the Amusement Supply Company has sold outright some film in full reels, some of which was released before the Patents Company began business. Under the Exchange License Agreement, however, all film in the possession of any exchange to which a license was granted became subject to the conditions of that License Agreement, and the Theatre Film Service Co. has no right, therefore, to sell any such film outright, either directly or through the Western Amusement Supply Company. We might state, in passing, that even such film as you obtained from the Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company may be sold only to bona fide travelling exhibitors. We particularly wish to know under what circumstances you sold the reel of old film containing "Hypnotist's Joke" "A Man of Straw" and "A Canadian Car Ride" and also whether or not you have sold any other film under the same or other circumstances. This matter has now been hanging fire for a long period, and we suggest that you give this matter your promptest attention. Yours verv truly, MOTION PICTURE PATENTS COMPANY, By GFS/JK