In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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1086 Edgar Thorp, Direct Examination. Petitioner's Exhibit No. 201. MOTION PICTURE PATENTS COMPANY. 80 Fifth Avenue, New York City. August 16th, 1911. Orpheum Theatre, Titusville, Pa. Gentlemen : — You are hereby notified that your license has been cancelled for exhibiting unlicensed motion pictures. Yours truly, MOTION PICTURE PATENTS CO. JB/EMD By J. B. By Mr. Grosvenor: Q. Mr. Thorp, had you displayed in your theatre in July, 1911, these two feature films named in the letter of the General Film Company to you, namely, "The Burning of Rome," and the "Coronation of King George and Queen Mary?" A. We had. Q. Were those films that were made by any of the licensed manufacturers? A. They were unlicensed. Q. They were not made by the licensed manufacturers? A. They were not made by the licensed manufacturers. Q. You state in your reply to their complaint, talking about features, "You will recall that we requested this service of your exchange, informing you that Ave were going to run feature night each Thursday night with a five-piece orchestra, and you advised that you could not give us any feature reels/' You may state whether or not it is the fact that you secured these feature reels named after you had been advised by the General Film Company that they could not give you features? A. We did. Q. In their reply, their letter being dated August 11th, 1911, Petitioner's Exhibit 200, they state: "We have noted your request for feature reels, but as all feature films which