In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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1090 William Devery, Recross Examination. between this office and the Imperial Film Exchange, growing out of the cancellation of its licenses by the Motion Picture Patents Company, and in response to your request as to whether or not we will continue as your counsel, we, after careful consideration, have concluded that it will not be possible for us to advise or act for you in any matters which involve your relations with the Patents Company or any of its licensees. Inasmuch as we originally incorporated the Imperial Film Exchange for you and have always been its counsel and inasmuch as during this time, we have had the pleasantest relations with your Mr. Steiner and your Mr. Devery, we regret very much the necessity for coming to this conclusion. However, we know that our position will be thoroughly understood by you when you realize how closely we have been connected with the Motion Picture Patents Company from its inception, as well as the further fact that we are the attorneys for several of its licensees. Our office and its records are entirely at your disposal for the proper concluding of any matters which you have placed in our hands heretofore. Yours very truly, Macdonald & Bostwick. DM/H Recross examination, by Mr. Kingsley: Q. So, MacDonald & Bostwick had been your attorneys for sometime prior to the date of this letter? A. They were the only attorneys we ever had. Q. And how long had they been your attorneys? A. From the time of the incorporation of the Imperial Film Exchange in 1908. Q. And that was prior to the time of the incorporation of the Motion Picture Patents Company, was it not? A. Yes, sir. Q. Now, did you ever have any controversy with them at any time prior to the date of the severance of your relations, the relations between the Imperial Film Exchange, and them, as counsel? A. In what respect? Q. In any respect, any material respect? A. We did not.