In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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Calvin S. Edwards, Rbcross Examination. 2383 Q. Could you state how many oil that list of theatres are 1 of that character? A. I cannot. Q. Do you serve many customers of that character? Mr. Grosvenor: I object to this, the witness having testified on cross examination that all of his customers have a daily change, that is, all making up this list of 246 have a daily change, except seven. By Mr. Caldwell: Q. You may answer the question. A. There are not many 2 of them. Recross examination by Mr. Grosvenor: Q. On the list of 535 theatres you have included, as I understand your testimony, the names of theatres which take service only once a week? A. Yes. Q. But the list of 246 theatres served by you includes 239 theatres that have a daily change of program, and seven theatres served by you which change either three times or two times or once a week, is that right? A. No, that is not right. 3 Q. What we are trying to get at are the facts, so please state them. What is the fact? A. That is what I am trying to give. I misunderstood your question there. YTou asked whether there would be a daily change or less than a daily change. I figured Ave had just about so many theatres that used film changing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Now, I don't know how many of them there are that only run one reel a week. Mr. Grosvenor : Mr. Examine^, go back to the an . swer on the cross examination, toward the beginning, when I asked him about his 246 theatres, and see what he gave. The Examiner refers to portions of the cross examination. Mr. Grosvenor: I read to you the answers you gave on your cross examination, and ask whether that is your testimony.