In the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, petitioner, vs. Motion Picture Patents Company, et al., defendants (1913)

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2386 William C. Brandon, Direct Examination. lanta. They have sub-branches in Tampa, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, and in Little Rock, Arkansas. The Consolidated Film & Supply Company, which handles the Universal output, located in Atlanta, with sub-branches at Charlotte, Jacksonville and Little Rock. Q. What special feature companies are operating in Atlanta, or in the territory served by your branch? A. The Famous Players Company and the Warner's Feature Company. Warner's Features is located in Atlanta, and the Famous Players are handled by some individual concern in Chattanooga. I don't know the name of it, but I think it is the Franklin Feature Film Company. I am not positive. And the World's Special Feature Company, located at Atlanta. Q. Mr. Brandon, what is the extent of the competition that you are meeting in your territory from the special feature companies? A. Well, they are making serious competition. Do you mean the extent in dollars and cents, or in the number of theatres? Q. In any respect. Just describe how keen that competition is? A. That competition is very keen and very active. They are after our houses at the present time, morning, noon and night, to put in their features, and are meeting with large success at the present time. Q. Have they gotten many of your customers? A. Yes, quite a few. Quite a number. Q. And what character of customers are they taking from you, in point of size and importance? A. Well, mostly smaller customers. We have very few large customers in that territory; very few large theatres. Q. In Atlanta, aren't there very many large motion picture theatres? A. The largest motion picture house in Atlanta has a capacity of 500, which is not large, compared to the capacity of theatres in other sections. Q. In what class of theatres, as a rule, are these special feature companies putting in their service? A. All classes. Q. How many motion picture theatres are there In the territory which you have just described? A. Approximately 020. Q. And of that number, how many are served by your